


Tool to update the Portage(5) tree, all installed packages, and kernel, under Gentoo Linux.

31 Oct 2020: sadly, due to legal obligations arising from a recent change in my 'real world' job, I must announce I am standing down as maintainer of this project with immediate effect. For the meantime, I will leave the repo up (for historical interest, and it may be of use to others); however, I plan no further updates, nor will I be accepting / actioning further pull requests or bug reports from this point. Email requests for support will also have to be politely declined, so, please treat this as an effective EOL notice.<br><br>For further details, please see my post here.<br><br>With sincere apologies, sakaki ><


genup is a utility intended to simplify the process of keeping your Gentoo system up to date. When invoked, it automatically performs the following steps, in order:

The genup utility can be invoked in non-interative (default) or interactive mode (see the --ask option in the manpage). Non-interactive mode is suitable for use in a scripted invocation, for example as part of a nightly cron(8) job.


genup is best installed (on Gentoo) via its ebuild, available as part of the sakaki-tools overlay. Full instructions are provided as part of the Sakaki's EFI Install Guide tutorial, on the Gentoo wiki.