My Own Modified Linux ZSH Theme Like Parrot Os Theme. This Theme also has the ability to recall you history with auto-complete,This Will Make your Work Easier. And Also can Help to autocorrect while commands are not in Camel case. You can go any directory by just putting ... for going back three dir back from current location,as further. And Many More fetures you Can Achive.
You Just Need to clone this them and paste it in
┌─[root@saims0n ][~/Desktop/Flutter_Projects/splash_screen/lib ]
└──╼ # cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes And in
┌─[root@saims0n ][~/.oh-my-zsh/themes ]
└──╼ # vim ~/.zshrc
add the them name in theme Location. change here....
┌─[root@saims0n ][~/.oh-my-zsh/themes ]
└──╼ # source ~/.zshrc
Now You're ready to use.
You Can also Modify this as Your Own Prefrences.
<h align="center"> <img src="" > <img src=""> <img src=""> </h>