

EZPWC -Easy Perl Weekly Challenges Script

This is a script that hopefully eases the interactions between the Chellenge participant and GitHub. It tries to automate much of the instruction provided on the readme in manwars GitHub page for the challenges.

Installation: -

Prerequisites: Uses the modules LWP::Simple, Cwd, Term::ANSI (color)

Simply Copy file to a suitable location and make it executable, or execute it using perl EZPWC.pl. The file may be editted to allow change in location of the git clone...by default it is in a working directory in the home folder. Changing the following line can change the target folder.


Instructions: -

Execute the file and prompts will follow. At some points, the default browser may open, allowing you to create or login to your github account. At certain points, e.g. when pushing changes to master, you may be asked to enter your github user name and password. Your password itself is not stored in any file.

A working directory is created, a clone is stored within this directory, and also withing this director is a Config file that is created to store settings and preferences.

To Do:-


