


crates.io CI codecov<br> license Libraries.io for GitHub Documentation downloads<br> Built with cargo-make

Coverts simple basic shell scripts to windows batch scripts.

<a name="overview"></a>


While it is not really possible to take every shell script and automatically convert it to a windows batch file, this library provides a way to convert simple basic shell commands to windows batch commands.<br> The original goal of this library is to provide users of cargo-make a way to write simple tasks with shell scripts without duplicating their code for each platform.<br> <br> It is possible to provide custom conversion hints by using the # shell2batch: prefix (see below example).

<a name="usage"></a>


Simply include the library and invoke the convert function as follows:

<!--{ "examples/example.rs" | lines: 3 | code: rust }-->
fn main() {
    let script = shell2batch::convert(
        set -x

        export FILE1=file1
        export FILE2=file2

        #this is some test code
        cp ${FILE1} $FILE2
        cp -r ${DIR1} $DIR2

        mv file2 file3

        export MY_DIR=directory

        #flags are supported
        rm -Rf ${MY_DIR}

        unset MY_DIR

        touch ./file3

        #provide custom windows command for specific shell command
        complex_bash_command --flag1 value2 # shell2batch: complex_windows_command /flag10 windows_value

@echo on

set FILE1=file1
set FILE2=file2

@REM this is some test code
copy %FILE1% %FILE2%
xcopy /E %DIR1% %DIR2%

@REM another
move file2 file3

set MY_DIR=directory

@REM flags are supported
rmdir /S /Q %MY_DIR%

set MY_DIR=

copy /B .\file3+,, .\file3

@REM provide custom windows command for specific shell command
complex_windows_command /flag10 windows_value

    println!("Script: {}", script);
<!--{ end }-->

<a name="installation"></a>


In order to use this library, just add it as a dependency:

shell2batch = "^0.4.5"

API Documentation

See full docs at: API Docs


See contributing guide

<a name="history"></a>

Release History

See Changelog

<a name="license"></a>


Developed by Sagie Gur-Ari and licensed under the Apache 2 open source license.