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Differential NicheNet code from Liver Atlas paper (Guilliams et al., Cell 2022)

In this repository you can find all the code that was used for the Differential NicheNet analyses and visualizations as described in the Liver Atlas paper from Guilliams et al.: Spatial proteogenomics reveals distinct and evolutionarily conserved hepatic macrophage niches.

Differential NicheNet is an extension of the default NicheNet pipeline to compare cell-cell interactions between different niches and better predict niche-specific ligand-receptor (L-R) pairs. It was used in that paper to predict ligand-receptor pairs specific for the Kupffer cell niche in mouse and human.

For users interested in applying Differential NicheNet to their own data, we recommend the vignette on the Github page of the nichenetr package Differential NicheNet analysis between niches of interest or Differential NicheNet analysis between conditions of interest.

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Browaeys, R., Saelens, W. & Saeys, Y. NicheNet: modeling intercellular communication by linking ligands to target genes. Nat Methods (2019) doi:10.1038/s41592-019-0667-5

Guilliams et al. Spatial proteogenomics reveals distinct and evolutionarily conserved hepatic macrophage niches. Cell (2022) doi:10.1016/j.cell.2021.12.018