


A template repository to start a new wagtail site.


Requirements: Docker and Docker Compose (Docker Compose is included with Docker Desktop for Mac and Windows).

  1. On the repository front page, click the "Use this template" button and proceed with naming your repository and change other settings if you want. See screenshot:

    <img width="308" alt="Screenshot 2022-06-16 at 14 10 41" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/143557/174067767-fef888d2-8491-4845-8e57-4fd24cfc8fb0.png">
  2. Clone your repository and change to the directory in your terminal

  3. Run docker-compose up

  4. This project is configured so that the container is built with everything necessary to build a new Wagtail site. On the first run, you will have a running container with no entry point. This is so that you can open a shell in your container and start your project. To open a shell, run docker-compose exec web bash.

  5. In your container shell, start your wagtail project: wagtail start mysite /code.

  6. In your container shell, run migrations: python manage.py migrate.

  7. Stop your container, change docker-compose.yml so that the line tail -F anything is removed or commented out, and add in the line containing python manage.py ...:

-    command: tail -F anything 
+    command: python manage.py runserver${DOCKER_DJANGO_PORT:-8000}
  1. Start your container again docker-compose up

  2. Visit your app in your browser: http://localhost:8000/

  3. Start developing your new Wagtail site on Docker!