

Laravel Monitoring

Monitor your Laravel applications server with a beautiful dashboard and get notified if anything gets wrong!

Supported OS

This package works only on Linux servers.


1) Install the latest version from composer

For PHP >= 8.1

composer require saeedvaziry/laravel-monitoring

For PHP <= 8.0

composer require saeedvaziry/laravel-monitoring "1.4.2"

2) Publish vendors

php artisan monitoring:publish

3) Run migrations

php artisan migrate

4) Set up a cronjob to collect data

* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan monitoring:record

5) Visit /monitoring to see the statistics.


You can find the configuration at config/monitoring.php.

instance_nameThis is your current server's name, And the data will be collected under this name.
routesYou can change the URL prefix of the monitoring dashboard. Also, You can protect the route by applying middlewares to it.
modelsIf you want to customize the models, define yours and update this config.
chart_colorsChart colors are customizable by this config.
notificationsCurrently, we support Slack and Email channels for notifications. However, You can add your custom channels. To add a custom channel, Create a class and implement it by SaeedVaziry\Monitoring\Channels\Channel and then add the class to channels under the notifications item.

Multi-Server support

Sometimes your source code is deployed to multiple servers.

For example, You have multiple webservers with a load balancer and another server for your Backoffice.

In this case, you just need to set a unique name for MONITORING_INSTANCE_NAME environment variable on each server, Of course, assuming that you have one database in common with all the servers that you want to monitor.

The result will be similar to the Demo picture.


You can use php artisan monitoring:record command to collect the data manually.


Add the bellow line to your config/app.php file, Under the allias:

'aliases' => [
    'Monitoring' => \SaeedVaziry\Monitoring\Facades\Monitoring::class

With this Facade you can access the server's resource usages.

Example usages:

Monitoring::cpu()->usage(); // returns CPU usage
Monitoring::memory()->usage(); // returns Memory usage
Monitoring::disk()->usage(); // returns Disk usage

Purge Records

Without purging, the monitoring_records table can accumulate records very quickly. To mitigate this, you should schedule the monitoring:purge Artisan command to run daily or any time you wish. You can also, Set the purge_before configuration at config/monitoring.php.



Please feel free to submit an issue or open a PR.



Laravel Monitoring is open-sourced software and licensed under the MIT License (MIT).