A data package containing the relative intervals bewteen notes in the Western music system.
The coordinates are in the format of an array: [octaves, fifths]
relative to C.
Thus c
's coord is [0, 0]
, while d
's is [-1, 2]
because going to the
note d
in the same octave as c
requires going one octave down and two
fifths up.
var coords = require('notecoord');
// Get the coord of a note name (relative to C)
coords('a') // -> [-1, 3]
// Get the coord of note A4 (relative to C0)
coords.A4 // -> [3, 3]
// Access all the notes
coords.notes /* -> {
c: [0, 0],
d: [-1, 2],
e: [-2, 4],
f: [1, -1],
g: [0, 1],
a: [-1, 3],
b: [-2, 5],
h: [-2, 5]
} */
Above is everything this module does.