

n5-hdf5 Build Status

Best effort N5 implementation on HDF5 files (despite the irony).

Not everything is possible because of the philosophical differences between N5 and HDF5 (and the libraries being used), but most of the naive bread and butter stuff works as expected.


Doesn't work

Notes on getAttributes

As of version 1.4.0, N5HDF5Reader implements GsonAttributesParser and has the method getAttributes(String) returning a HashMap<String, JsonElement>. This method converts String attributes to JsonObjects when they are valid json, so that arbitrary objects can be parsed.

As a result, it strings that are themselves valid json may not be recoverable from the JsonElement in the output HashMap.

Future work may instead store objects using a compound type rather than as json strings to avoid this issue.


As a trivial failure case, we see that storing the string { } (curly brackets with some spaces between them) produces a JsonElement which has lost number of spaces stored in the string.

final N5HDF5Writer h5 = new N5HDF5Writer("/home/john/tmp/tmp.h5", 2);
h5.setAttribute("attributes", "someJsonString", "{     }");
System.out.println( h5.getAttribute("attributes", "someJsonString", String.class ));
System.out.println( h5.getAttributes("attributes").get("someJsonString").toString());

produces the output:

{     }