

svelte-image-encoder (demo)

This repos is now considered deprecated and is superseded by svelte-image-input, which supports more features such as image loading, dropping and pasting.

A component for creating data: URLs from images in real time. You can also move and resize the image before encoding.

The data URL enables sending and receiving the image inside JSON AJAX requests and perhaps storing images in database string columns, where an image URL would go, simplifying code logic.

The original intended use is for use in a profile picture editor, allowing the user to resize and crop images, finally storing them in a small data: URL but it may be useful when you need basic image resizing/cropping capabilities.


npm i svelte-image-encoder [-D]


  import ImgEncoder from 'svelte-image-encoder';
  let src='some-image.jpg';
  let url;

<ImgEncoder {src} bind:url />


You can specify the following parameters:

Configuring webpack

If you're using webpack with svelte-loader, make sure that you add "svelte" to resolve.mainFields in your webpack config. This ensures that webpack imports the uncompiled component (src/index.svelte) rather than the compiled version (index.mjs) — this is more efficient.

If you're using Rollup with rollup-plugin-svelte, this will happen automatically.

