

To setup on Kali (RasPi Image)

  1. Copy capture.sh to /etc/init.d/

  2. update-rc.d capture defaults

  3. sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

  4. sudo apt-get install gcc make libssl-dev

  5. Edit hostapd-2.2/hostapd/defconfig and uncomment line: CONFIG_LIBNL32=y. Probably line 35

  6. cd hostapd-2.2
    patch -p1 < ../hostapd-wpe/hostapd-wpe.patch
    cd hostapd
    cd ../../hostapd-wpe/certs
  7. Edit hostapd-2.2/hostapd/hostapd-wpe.conf_to your liking (You also may need to chmod it). A sample config has been provided: hostapd-wpe.conf.sample

  8. Edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and add the MAC address of the wireless card:



The script should now run on reboot automatically.

The script will put all the logs into /root/ with randomly generated names. It moves them each time the script is ran, so there may be empty log files.


To kill, run stopcapture.sh

Log Parsing

To parse through all the logs, I've created a script called wpe-parse located here https://github.com/sa7mon/wpe-parse

It will also convert them from John format to Hashcat format.