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Crawls web pages and prints any link it can find.



# print all links from first page:
crawley http://some-test.site

# print all js files and api endpoints:
crawley -depth -1 -tag script -js http://some-test.site

# print all endpoints from js:
crawley -js http://some-test.site/app.js

# download all png images from site:
crawley -depth -1 -tag img http://some-test.site | grep '\.png$' | wget -i -

# fast directory traversal:
crawley -headless -delay 0 -depth -1 -dirs only http://some-test.site



crawley [flags] url

possible flags with default values:

    scan all known sources (js/css/...)
    scan html comments
-cookie value
    extra cookies for request, can be used multiple times, accept files with '@'-prefix
    scan css for urls
-delay duration
    per-request delay (0 - disable) (default 150ms)
-depth int
    scan depth (set -1 for unlimited)
-dirs string
    policy for non-resource urls: show / hide / only (default "show")
-header value
    extra headers for request, can be used multiple times, accept files with '@'-prefix
    disable pre-flight HEAD requests
-ignore value
    patterns (in urls) to be ignored in crawl process
    scan js code for endpoints
-proxy-auth string
    credentials for proxy: user:password
-robots string
    policy for robots.txt: ignore / crawl / respect (default "ignore")
    suppress info and error messages in stderr
    skip ssl verification
    support subdomains (e.g. if www.domain.com found, recurse over it)
-tag value
    tags filter, single or comma-separated tag names
-timeout duration
    request timeout (min: 1 second, max: 10 minutes) (default 5s)
-user-agent string
    user-agent string
    show version
-workers int
      number of workers (default - number of CPU cores)

flags autocompletion

Crawley can handle flags autocompletion in bash and zsh via complete:

complete -C "/full-path-to/bin/crawley" crawley


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