coequal is a small utility function to check equality of all data types and objects in javascript.
<p>coequal perform a deep comparison to find equality of data and objects. For different objects conditions are different. Let see all senarios.</p> <strong>1. Array</strong> : Array of any data types are supported for comparision. For ex: <pre><code>var a=[1,2,3] ,b=[1,2,3] coequal(a,b) //returns true;
var a=[{b:"b",d:"d"} ,{e:"e",f:"f"}] ,b=[{b:"b",d:"d"} ,{e:"e",f:"f"}]; coequal(a,b) //returns true; </code></pre> Javascript array also support array of different dataType in same array (But making array this way is not suggested.)
<pre><code> var a=[1,{e:"e",f:"f"}] ,b=[1,{e:"e",f:"f"}]; coequal(a,b) //returns true </code></pre>If for you order of element does not matter for comparision
<pre><code> var a=[1,2,3] ,b=[1,3,2] coequal(a,b,{orderCheck:false}) //returns true </code></pre><strong>2. Object</strong>: In object it checks the key, value pair must be same and equal upto the end level of json.
<pre><code> var a={ "k1":"b", "k2":{ "k3":"abc" } } var b={ "k2":{ "k3":"abc" }, "k1":"b" } coequal(a,b) //returns true </code></pre><strong>3.Function </strong>: There are two options for comparing function. Compare by code compare by constructor. Default is constructor.
<pre><code> var a=function(){ alert("a"); } var b=function(){ alert("a"); } var c=a; coequal(a,b) //return false; coequal(a,b,{functionCheck:"code"}) //return true coequal(a,c) //return true; </code></pre> <p><strong>4. Dom object</strong> : Document object can be of two type </p> <p> i. Collection </p> <p>ii. Element</p> <p> If you want to compare collection to collection or collection to element you need to activate collectionCheck in option. ie : option will be : { collectionCheck :true} You can compare svg and canvas element also. </p> <pre><code> <img src="images/image.png" class="image" id="myimage"/><br /> <p><svg xmlns="" version="1.1"><br /> <circle id="mycircle" cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" /><br /> </svg><br /> var img1=document.getElementsByClassName('image'); var img2=document.getElementById(' myimage '); var img3=document.getElementsByTagName('img'); var cir=document.getElementById("mycircle"); var cir2=document.getElementById("mycircle");coequal(img1, img3) //return false;
coequal(img1, img2) //return false;
coequal(img1, img3,{collectionCheck:true}) //return true;
coequal(img1, img2,{collectionCheck:true}) //return true;
coequal(cir, cir2) //return true;
<strong>5. Date object</strong> : Date object are compared by milliseconds from those objects.
<pre><code> var date1=new Date('05/03/2013'); var date2=new Date('05/03/2013'); coequal(date1, date2) //return true; </code></pre><strong>6. Regex object</strong> : Rexed object are converted to string and compared.
<pre><code> var rg1=/[1-9]/g; var rg2=/[1-9]/g; var rg3=new RegExp('[1-9]','g'); coequal(rg1, rg2) //return true; coequal(rg1, rg3) //return true; </code></pre><strong>7. string or number</strong> : For string or number dont use this method because they are directly comparable. But even though you can compare it.<br>
<pre><code> coequal(2345,2345 ) //return true; coequal('abcd', 'abcd') //return true; </code></pre> <p><strong>Options</strong></p> <table width="100%%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Option</td> <td>Allowed values</td> <td>Default</td> <td>Description</td> </tr> <tr> <td>functionCheck</td> <td>code,constructor (string)</td> <td>constructor</td> <td>If setted as code it only checks the code within the function. It does not check the protypes.<br /> As constructor it check only by refrence.<br /> Used if you want to compare function.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>orderCheck</td> <td>true,false (boolean)</td> <td>true</td> <td>If true , the array element must be on same order than only it is treated as equal. If false elements can be on any order.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>collectionCheck</td> <td>true,false(boolean)</td> <td>false</td> <td>If you want to compare collection to collection or collection to element you need to set it as true.</td> </tr> </table> <br /> <br /> <strong>Limitation</strong><br /> 1. Object must not be cyclic object, else it ill go on infinite loop.