

My Repo for Advent of Code

There is a repo that keeps track of my progress with https://adventofcode.com

Apparently it's a reboot because I just discovered that I actually tried (and abandoned) it before with:

No matter I complete or not, the progress shall be kept here.

A good video that introduce the Advent of Code with a nice mindset; A good video that introduce the Advent of Code with a nice mindset

I'm trying out of this structure of [year]/[lang]/[day] like an example below.

/ # repo root
├── 2023/
│  ├── python/
│  │  ├── 01/ # day 1
│  │  ├── 02/
│  │  ├── [day x]/
│  │  └── [day y...]/
│  ├── [lang x]/
│  └── [lang y...]/
├── [year x]/
└── [year y...]/