

ESPhome - Jura Impressa J6

This is an ESPhome custom component to communicate with a Jura Impressa J6 coffee machine. It may also work with other serially-controlled Jura models with minimal adjustment.

It allows monitoring and control via HomeAssistant:

<img src="images/HomeAssistant_interface.png" alt="drawing" width=55%/>

Hardware is a Wemos D1 Mini connected to the 7-pin Jura service port via a 3.3V<->5V logic level converter.
The D1 mini is powered from the Jura.

<img src="images/seven-pin-interface.jpg" alt="Jura 7-pin interface">

Above image taken from here.

<img src="images/connection-diagram.png" alt="Jura 7-pin interface">

If you have diffuculty, try swapping the TX/RX pins.

The D1 Mini and level converter are placed in an enclosure screwed to the back of the Jura, hidden out of the way.

<img src="images/d1-mini-mounting.jpg" alt="D1 mini mounting on back of J6" width=55%/>

Internal connections to the service connector wires are done with "T" tap/splices, leaving the connector itself alone.

<img src="images/t-splice.png" alt="T-splice" width=25%/>

Commands for your machine can be generated using the provided script, generate_esphome_jura_yaml.py. It requires the bitarray Python module to be installed.

  $ ./generate_esphome_jura_yaml.py AN:01

        - uart.write: [0xDF, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDF]  ## 'A'
        - delay: 8ms
        - uart.write: [0xFB, 0xFF, 0xDB, 0xDF]  ## 'N'
        - delay: 8ms
        - uart.write: [0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFF, 0xDB]  ## ':'
        - delay: 8ms
        - uart.write: [0xDB, 0xDB, 0xFF, 0xDB]  ## '0'
        - delay: 8ms
        - uart.write: [0xDF, 0xDB, 0xFF, 0xDB]  ## '1'
        - delay: 8ms
        - uart.write: [0xDF, 0xFF, 0xDB, 0xDB]  ## '\r'
        - delay: 8ms
        - uart.write: [0xFB, 0xFB, 0xDB, 0xDB]  ## '\n'

Particular commands seem to vary by model.
These work on the Impressa J6, software TY: PIM V01.01, TL: LOADER V3.0.

AN:01Switch On
AN:02Switch Off
FA:01Switch off, including rinse
AN:0DTray Test? Or date related?
FA:02Heat up water
FA:03Heat up water & Make steam?
FA:06Make hot water
FA:07Make 1 Espresso
FA:08Make 2 Espressi
FA:09Make 1 Coffee
FA:0AMake 2 Coffees
FA:0BCup illumination light comes on. Also exits menu system.
FA:0CEnters the menu system - displays RINSE as the first option
FA:0DCycles through menu options [dial counter-clockwise]
FA:OECycles through menu options clockwise [dial-clockwise]
FA:0FReads "B. Full", Freezes up
DA:16Shows the final two digits on the display, i.e. "16.."
