


packager_exec CVE-2018-0802

This repo contains a Proof of Concept exploit for CVE-2018-0802. To get round the limited command length allowed, the exploit uses the Packager OLE object to drop an embedded payload into the %TMP% directory, and then executes the file using a short command via a WinExec call, such as: cmd.exe /c%TMP%\file.exe.


packager_exec_CVE-2018-0802.py -e executable_path -o output_file_name

Add the -d option to exploit both CVE-2017-11882 and CVE-2018-0802 in the same document.


I've added a Yara rule to detect this specific variant of the exploit as used itw. Please note that this can be easily bypassed and may need tweaking. Happy to take PR's for better ones ;)


This exploit is based heavily on the prior work already done by Embedi on CVE-2017-11882. I take no credit for the great work already achieved by those mentioned here.

Kudos also goes out to the many discoverers:

Sample exploit for CVE-2018-0802 (starting calc.exe as payload)

example folder holds an .rtf file which exploits CVE-2018-0802 vulnerability and runs calculator in the system.