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The SoundCloud Client in React + Redux made with passion. Demo, Sibling Project: favesound-mobx

Get started on your own!



Run on your Machine

  1. Clone Repository: git clone git@github.com:rwieruch/favesound-redux.git
  2. npm install
  3. npm start
  4. visit http://localhost:8080/
  5. npm test


I am looking actively for contributors to make this project awesome!

I wouldn't want to extend the project with new routes like: that's my profile page and that's my favorite track page. Rather I see more value in improving the status quo of the app: Improving the player, the playlist or the interaction overall. I would love to see a GitHub issue to see where you want to work on. Moreover I will try to find the time to raise some more issues where people can contribute. At the end it is a perfect project to get started in open source!


Feedback is more than appreciated via GitHub or Twitter