


Freesweep is a console minesweeper-style game written in C for Unix-like systems. The ncurses library is preferred, but standard System V curses will work almost perfectly. Features include boards up to 1024x1024, saving and loading of boards, shared and individual "best times" files, and color.

Freesweep is maintained by Gus Hartmann gus@gus-the-cat.org, Peter Keller psilord@cs.wisc.edu, and Randy Westlund rwestlun@gmail.com.


Freesweep is licensed under the GNU GPL, version 2 or above. See the file COPYING, run freesweep with the -g flag, or hit 'g' while playing the game to see it. The code is copyright Gus Hartmann and Peter Keller.


Special thanks to Pete Keller for lots of help. Thanks to the FSF for the license and certain chunks of code. Thanks to the Undergraduate Project Lab at the University of Wisconsin