


These are my dotfiles, the main goal was to easily setup a new machine with a convenient environment. I liked the idea of Luke's Smith ricing project. But since I use Macs as well as Linux-server and Windows-machines, I needed something a bit more flexible. On Mac/Linux they are based on zsh and neovim in combination with some other awesome tools like fzf, ripgrep or fd.


  1. Clone the repository
> mkdir -p ~/.config/dotfiles
> git clone https://github.com/rverst/dotfiles.git ~/.config/dotfiles
  1. Install the dotfiles
> ~/.config/dotfiles/script/bootstrap

The dotfiles can be installed in two flavors, full and light. I use full for my desktops and light for headless machines. You can however install single parts in a different flavor after the main installation. E.g. $DOTFILES/nvim/install --full.



These dotfiles are mostly inspired by:

And probably a lot more...