


Project Objective

The goal of this project is to provide Rust native Xen hypercall and interface support. It is aimed to be divided into 3 different main components components:

The goal is that you can compile the same code into


oxerun's goal is to be in the same thread as the bootloader from phil-opp and the rust-osdev project. Eventually the user should be able run something similar to:

cargo oxerun --target <x86_64/aarch64>-xen-<hvm/pv/pvh>

in the source directory of your project. Your project will receive the kernel boot arguments from the cmdline parameters as argv.

Currently however oxerun is more of an example than the actual tool. Eventually this code should get moved into an examples directory within the repo.


This crate aims to provide idomatic Rust interfaces for interacting with the hypervisor.