


Miri is an Undefined Behavior detection tool for Rust. It can run binaries and test suites of cargo projects and detect unsafe code that fails to uphold its safety requirements. For instance:

On top of that, Miri will also tell you about memory leaks: when there is memory still allocated at the end of the execution, and that memory is not reachable from a global static, Miri will raise an error.

You can use Miri to emulate programs on other targets, e.g. to ensure that byte-level data manipulation works correctly both on little-endian and big-endian systems. See cross-interpretation below.

Miri has already discovered many real-world bugs. If you found a bug with Miri, we'd appreciate if you tell us and we'll add it to the list!

By default, Miri ensures a fully deterministic execution and isolates the program from the host system. Some APIs that would usually access the host, such as gathering entropy for random number generators, environment variables, and clocks, are replaced by deterministic "fake" implementations. Set MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-disable-isolation" to access the real system APIs instead. (In particular, the "fake" system RNG APIs make Miri not suited for cryptographic use! Do not generate keys using Miri.)

All that said, be aware that Miri does not catch every violation of the Rust specification in your program, not least because there is no such specification. Miri uses its own approximation of what is and is not Undefined Behavior in Rust. To the best of our knowledge, all Undefined Behavior that has the potential to affect a program's correctness is being detected by Miri (modulo bugs), but you should consult the Reference for the official definition of Undefined Behavior. Miri will be updated with the Rust compiler to protect against UB as it is understood by the current compiler, but it makes no promises about future versions of rustc.

Further caveats that Miri users should be aware of:

Moreover, Miri fundamentally cannot ensure that your code is sound. Soundness is the property of never causing undefined behavior when invoked from arbitrary safe code, even in combination with other sound code. In contrast, Miri can just tell you if a particular way of interacting with your code (e.g., a test suite) causes any undefined behavior in a particular execution (of which there may be many, e.g. when concurrency or other forms of non-determinism are involved). When Miri finds UB, your code is definitely unsound, but when Miri does not find UB, then you may just have to test more inputs or more possible non-deterministic choices.

Using Miri

Install Miri on Rust nightly via rustup:

rustup +nightly component add miri

All the following commands assume the nightly toolchain is pinned via rustup override set nightly. Alternatively, use cargo +nightly for each of the following commands.

Now you can run your project in Miri:

The first time you run Miri, it will perform some extra setup and install some dependencies. It will ask you for confirmation before installing anything.

cargo miri run/test supports the exact same flags as cargo run/test. For example, cargo miri test filter only runs the tests containing filter in their name.

You can pass flags to Miri via MIRIFLAGS. For example, MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-disable-stacked-borrows" cargo miri run runs the program without checking the aliasing of references.

When compiling code via cargo miri, the cfg(miri) config flag is set for code that will be interpreted under Miri. You can use this to ignore test cases that fail under Miri because they do things Miri does not support:

#[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)]
fn does_not_work_on_miri() {
    tokio::run(futures::future::ok::<_, ()>(()));

There is no way to list all the infinite things Miri cannot do, but the interpreter will explicitly tell you when it finds something unsupported:

error: unsupported operation: can't call foreign function: bind
    = help: this is likely not a bug in the program; it indicates that the program \
            performed an operation that Miri does not support

Cross-interpretation: running for different targets

Miri can not only run a binary or test suite for your host target, it can also perform cross-interpretation for arbitrary foreign targets: cargo miri run --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu will run your program as if it was a Linux program, no matter your host OS. This is particularly useful if you are using Windows, as the Linux target is much better supported than Windows targets.

You can also use this to test platforms with different properties than your host platform. For example cargo miri test --target s390x-unknown-linux-gnu will run your test suite on a big-endian target, which is useful for testing endian-sensitive code.

Testing multiple different executions

Certain parts of the execution are picked randomly by Miri, such as the exact base address allocations are stored at and the interleaving of concurrently executing threads. Sometimes, it can be useful to explore multiple different execution, e.g. to make sure that your code does not depend on incidental "super-alignment" of new allocations and to test different thread interleavings. This can be done with the --many-seeds flag:

cargo miri test --many-seeds # tries the seeds in 0..64
cargo miri test --many-seeds=0..16

The default of 64 different seeds is quite slow, so you probably want to specify a smaller range.

Running Miri on CI

When running Miri on CI, use the following snippet to install a nightly toolchain with the Miri component:

rustup toolchain install nightly --component miri
rustup override set nightly

cargo miri test

Here is an example job for GitHub Actions:

    name: "Miri"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Install Miri
        run: |
          rustup toolchain install nightly --component miri
          rustup override set nightly
          cargo miri setup
      - name: Test with Miri
        run: cargo miri test

The explicit cargo miri setup helps to keep the output of the actual test step clean.

Supported targets

Miri does not support all targets supported by Rust. The good news, however, is that no matter your host OS/platform, it is easy to run code for any target using --target!

The following targets are tested on CI and thus should always work (to the degree documented below):

However, even for targets that we do support, the degree of support for accessing platform APIs (such as the file system) differs between targets: generally, Linux targets have the best support, and macOS targets are usually on par. Windows is supported less well.

Running tests in parallel

Though it implements Rust threading, Miri itself is a single-threaded interpreter. This means that when running cargo miri test, you will probably see a dramatic increase in the amount of time it takes to run your whole test suite due to the inherent interpreter slowdown and a loss of parallelism.

You can get your test suite's parallelism back by running cargo miri nextest run -jN (note that you will need cargo-nextest installed). This works because cargo-nextest collects a list of all tests then launches a separate cargo miri run for each test. You will need to specify a -j or --test-threads; by default cargo miri nextest run runs one test at a time. For more details, see the cargo-nextest Miri documentation.

Note: This one-test-per-process model means that cargo miri test is able to detect data races where two tests race on a shared resource, but cargo miri nextest run will not detect such races.

Note: cargo-nextest does not support doctests, see https://github.com/nextest-rs/nextest/issues/16

Common Problems

When using the above instructions, you may encounter a number of confusing compiler errors.

"note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace"

You may see this when trying to get Miri to display a backtrace. By default, Miri doesn't expose any environment to the program, so running RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo miri test will not do what you expect.

To get a backtrace, you need to disable isolation using -Zmiri-disable-isolation:

RUST_BACKTRACE=1 MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-disable-isolation" cargo miri test

"found crate std compiled by an incompatible version of rustc"

You may be running cargo miri with a different compiler version than the one used to build the custom libstd that Miri uses, and Miri failed to detect that. Try running cargo miri clean.

Miri -Z flags and environment variables

Miri adds its own set of -Z flags, which are usually set via the MIRIFLAGS environment variable. We first document the most relevant and most commonly used flags:

The remaining flags are for advanced use only, and more likely to change or be removed. Some of these are unsound, which means they can lead to Miri failing to detect cases of undefined behavior in a program.

Some native rustc -Z flags are also very relevant for Miri:

Moreover, Miri recognizes some environment variables:

Miri extern functions

Miri provides some extern functions that programs can import to access Miri-specific functionality. They are declared in /tests/utils/miri_extern.rs.

Entry point for no-std binaries

Binaries that do not use the standard library are expected to declare a function like this so that Miri knows where it is supposed to start execution:

fn miri_start(argc: isize, argv: *const *const u8) -> isize {
    // Call the actual start function that your project implements, based on your target's conventions.

Contributing and getting help

If you want to contribute to Miri, great! Please check out our contribution guide.

For help with running Miri, you can open an issue here on GitHub or use the Miri stream on the Rust Zulip.


This project began as part of an undergraduate research course in 2015 by @solson at the University of Saskatchewan. There are slides and a report available from that project. In 2016, @oli-obk joined to prepare Miri for eventually being used as const evaluator in the Rust compiler itself (basically, for const and static stuff), replacing the old evaluator that worked directly on the AST. In 2017, @RalfJung did an internship with Mozilla and began developing Miri towards a tool for detecting undefined behavior, and also using Miri as a way to explore the consequences of various possible definitions for undefined behavior in Rust. @oli-obk's move of the Miri engine into the compiler finally came to completion in early 2018. Meanwhile, later that year, @RalfJung did a second internship, developing Miri further with support for checking basic type invariants and verifying that references are used according to their aliasing restrictions.

Bugs found by Miri

Miri has already found a number of bugs in the Rust standard library and beyond, some of which we collect here. If Miri helped you find a subtle UB bug in your code, we'd appreciate a PR adding it to the list!

Definite bugs found:

Violations of Stacked Borrows found that are likely bugs (but Stacked Borrows is currently just an experiment):

Scientific papers employing Miri


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