

GC9A01 Display Driver for MicroPython

<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/russhughes/gc9a01_mpy/master/docs/GC9A01.jpg" alt="GC9A01 display photo"/> </p>

This driver is based on devbis' st7789_mpy driver. I modified the original driver for one of my projects to add:

Included are 12 bitmap fonts derived from classic pc text mode fonts, 26 Hershey vector fonts and several example programs for different devices. The driver supports 240x240 displays.


Documentation can be found in the docs directory and at https://russhughes.github.io/gc9a01_mpy/

Pre-compiled firmware files

The firmware directory contains pre-compiled firmware for various devices with the gc9a01 C driver and frozen python font files. See the README.md file in the fonts folder for more information on the font files.

ESP32 BOARDS firmware

RP2040 BOARDS firmware

This is a work in progress.

-- Russ