


Use Apple FaceID or TouchID authentication in your app using BiometricAuthentication. It's very simple and easy to use that handles Touch ID and Face ID authentication based on the device.

Note: - Face ID authentication requires user's persmission to be add in info.plist.

<string>This app requires Face ID permission to authenticate using Face recognition.</string>

What's new in version 3.1

Version 2.2

// set this before calling authenticateWithBioMetrics method (optional)
BioMetricAuthenticator.shared.allowableReuseDuration = 60

Version 2.1

Alt text Alt text Alt text





pod 'BiometricAuthentication'


github "rushisangani/BiometricAuthentication"


Authenticate with biometric

BioMetricAuthenticator.authenticateWithBioMetrics(reason: "") { (result) in

    switch result {
    case .success( _):
        print("Authentication Successful")
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Authentication Failed")

Can Authenticate with biometric

if BioMetricAuthenticator.canAuthenticate() {

    BioMetricAuthenticator.authenticateWithBioMetrics(reason: "") { (result) in
        // check result -> success or failure

Check for Face ID

if BioMetricAuthenticator.shared.faceIDAvailable() {
    // device supports face id recognition.

Check for Touch ID

if BioMetricAuthenticator.shared.touchIDAvailable() {
    // device supports touch id authentication

Fallback Reason

BioMetricAuthenticator.authenticateWithBioMetrics(reason: "Biometric Authentication", fallbackTitle: "Enter Credentials") { (result) in

    switch result {
    case .success( _):
        // proceed further

    case .failure(let error):

        switch error {
        case .fallback:

            print("Authentication Failed")

            // show alternatives on fallback button clicked
            // for ex. - enter username/email and password



BioMetricAuthenticator.authenticateWithPasscode(reason: message) { (result) in
    switch result {
    case .success( _):
        // passcode authentication success
    case .failure(let error):

Error Handling

  1. fallback
    • Called when user clicks on provided fallback button.
  2. biometryNotEnrolled
    • Called when no fingerprints or face is registered with the device.
    • You can show message to register a new face or fingerprint here.
    • Default message will be shown if not provided.
  3. canceledByUser
    • Called when authentication canceled by user.
  4. canceledBySystem
    • Called when authentication canceled by system when app goes into background or any other reason.
  5. passcodeNotSet
    • Called when device passcode is not set and trying to use biometry authentication.
    • We can ask user to set device passcode here by opening Settings Application.
  6. failed
    • Called when multiple failed attempts made by user.
    • You can show error message to user here.
    • Default message can be shown if not provided.
  7. biometryLockedout
    • Called when more than 5 failed attempts made using biometric authentication. This will locked your biometry system.
    • You'll restrict user when this error is occured.
    • Aleternatively you can ask user to enter device passcode to unlock biometry.
  8. biometryNotAvailable
    • Called when device does not support Face ID or Touch ID authentication.


BioMetricAuthenticator.authenticateWithBioMetrics(reason: "") { [weak self] (result) in

    switch result {
    case .success( _):

        // authentication successful

    case .failure(let error):

        switch error {

        // device does not support biometric (face id or touch id) authentication
        case .biometryNotAvailable:
            self?.showErrorAlert(message: error.message())

        // No biometry enrolled in this device, ask user to register fingerprint or face
        case .biometryNotEnrolled:
            self?.showGotoSettingsAlert(message: error.message())

        // show alternatives on fallback button clicked
        case .fallback:
            self?.txtUsername.becomeFirstResponder() // enter username password manually

        // Biometry is locked out now, because there were too many failed attempts.
        // Need to enter device passcode to unlock.
        case .biometryLockedout:
            self?.showPasscodeAuthentication(message: error.message())

        // do nothing on canceled by system or user
        case .canceledBySystem, .canceledByUser:

        // show error for any other reason
            self?.showErrorAlert(message: error.message())

See Example for more details.


BiometricAuthentication is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.