

hXOR Packer

hXOR Packer is a PE (Portable Executable) packer with Huffman Compression and Xor encryption.

The unpacker will decompress and decrypt the packed PE and execute it directly from memory without needing any hard disk space to execute.

This is my old school final year polytechnic project 2012 back then.

For learning purposes, i will just copy paste the useful info from my rusty FYP report in the introduction onwards.

How it is done?

  1. Dynamic Process Forking Of Portable Executable
  2. Huffman entropy encoding algorithm
  3. Simple XOR encryption


For Packing:  
(S) -> EXE File (Absolute Path)  
(D) -> Destination Output (Absolute Path)  
(P) -> Parameters (Optional)  
(K) -> Xor Encryption Key in numbers (Optional)  
Avaliable Parameters (Optional):   
-c              Compression   
-e              Encryption   
-ce             Compression & Encryption 

- packer.exe (S) (D) (P) (K)   
- packer.exe C:\in.exe C:\folder\out.exe   
- packer.exe C:\in.exe C:\folder\out.exe -ce 56213 

Tools used


Code::Blocks is a free and open source cross-platform integrated development environment. It provides a source code editor, build automation tools, debugger and more. Code::Blocks uses lesser memory than the Microsoft Visual Studio. Code::Blocks also supports multiple compilers such as, MinGW or GCC, Digital Mars, Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++, Watcom, LCC and the Intel C++ compiler.


MinGW (28), which stands for Minimalist GNU for Windows, is a port of the GCC, GNU Compiler Collection. This is my primary compiler when I am compiling any C/C++ applications.

Knowledge and skills required


The aim of this project is to create a Portable Executable Packers written in C++, which supports compression using Huffman algorithm, XOR encryption and executing an executable file from memory. I use Code::Blocks IDE and GCC compiler to make this project successful.

In English language, packing means to prepare one or more items for proper storage and be ready for transportation. In this case, packing means to prepare one or more programs or a set of codes and compress it into one executable self-extracting archive, which is then ready to execute in any machine with an operating system capable reading the format of the packer, which is the Portable Executable Format.

The format of a Portable Executable (PE) is the same for every executable file except for .NET PE. The operating system will read each every bit in the header as it contains the information on how the operating system should run the executable file.


To create a PE (Portable Executable) Packer that allows users to crypt the source code of their program and compress the encrypted source code so that they will be not be detected and deleted by the antivirus.


The purpose of this project is to successfully infect a person operating system with the PE Packer. Inside the PE Packer, it will contain a encrypted source code of a virus and it will unpack, decrypt and compile itself during runtime.

How does the hXOR Packer Works?

By packing, it means to pack a executable file and either compress or encrypt it, as such, it nearly impossible for a user to notice a difference between a Packed Executable File and the original/unpacked Executable File without having the knowledge of reading the Packed Executable file in hexadecimal form, from a hex editor.

The Portable Executable Packer that I’m writing will called hXOR.exe, which “h” simply stands for the Huffman algorithm and the XOR stands for “XOR” encryption that being used. Firstly, hXOR packer will validate if the input file is a valid executable file. By doing this validation, it will helps hXOR Un-Packer as it will assume that the executable file that it suppose to execute from memory is a valid executable file

Secondly, it will check for any parameter that is being entered during execution. It can either;

  1. Packs the Executable file without any compression nor encryption,
  2. Packs the Executable file with only compression,
  3. Packs the Executable file with encryption with key provided by the user,
  4. Packs the Executable file with encryption without key provided by the user,
  5. Packs the Executable file with both compression and encryption with the key provided by the user,
  6. Packs the Executable file with both compression and encryption without the key provided by the user.

Lastly, the packer will pack the executable file along the Un-Packer to create an output packed executable file. By adding the Un-Packer application at the very beginning of the encrypted and compressed executable file, the Un-Packer will decompress, decrypt and finally, execute the packed PE, making it impossible for normal user to notice that he/she has executed a packed PE.

Functional Requirement

Non-Functional Requirement

How does the hXOR Un-Packer Works?

The Un-Packer is the only program that will not require a single input from the user during runtime. It is designed to have no graphical user interface.

Firstly, the Un-Packer will look for the offset to the Packed Executable file in its own Image DOS Header. It will then create a pointer pointing to the starting position of the Packed Executable File. Secondly, the Un-Packer will begin to understand how the Packed Executable file was being packed by the Packer in order to unpack it.

Lastly, without saving the Unpacked Executable File into the system hard disk, the Un-Packer will begin to create a child process and execute the Unpacked Executable File from the memory. It is the nearly impossible for a normal user to notice that the Executable File he/she just executed is actually a Packed Executable File and all this 3 steps have just happened quickly during execution.

Functional Requirement


Non-Functional Requirement

Binders vs Packers


A binder can accept and packs multiple file such as, executable files, pictures, music and more. While there are other alternatives such as, RAR, ZIP and 7z, a binder is a self-extracting archives which able to unpack itself and saves all the packed files to the system hard disk. This is useful for the receiver as he/she does not have to install an application to unpacks what he/she just received. If the user wants to execute or open a file inside a binder, it will create a copy of itself in the hard disk and execute from there. If a virus is using this method, the virus can be easily detected by most Antiviruses.

Binders Demo


While a binder can packs multiple file, a packer can only accepts one. It is commonly used to packs, compress and encrypt an executable file, which we will call it “Packed Executable File”. Think of it as an executable file, inside another executable file, which also can be inside another executable file.

Packer is well known to be used by malware authors and hackers because by using this method, it will be harder for the antivirus to detect their software.

However, not all Packed Executable File is created for bad purposes. There are Software Companies that uses Packer to distribute their software to their customers. The main reason is to be able to reduce its application size during distributing.

For example, if the application installer is more than 1 GB, the company will try to reduce it size to 700 MB so that it can save money by distributing it into a single CD-ROM rather than two CD-ROM or one DVD-ROM. Another reason is the bandwidth if the company decides to distribute it through the Internet.

As there are more negative purpose of Packer than the positive ones, Antivirus Companies often label Packer that is unreadable by the antivirus as malware, suspicious or infected file, that which will be mark as false positive once they review it.

Packer Demo

Portable Executable

Portable Executable, also called PE, is a file format, usually in .exe, .dll and .sys file extensions. It was first introduced by Microsoft which first used in Windows NT version 3.1 in the year 1993. It can only be execute in Windows operating system or Linux/Unix-like operating system using WINE (Wine Is Not an Emulator) compatibility layer.

Portable Executable File Structure

PE file format is a modified version of the Unix COFF (Common Object File Format), a specification format for UNIX system to execute, object codes and shared library computer files. To make it compatible with previous version of Windows, the PE file format will retains the old popular MZ header from MS-DOS.

The PE file format is organized in a linear stream of data. I will focus on the field in the headers that is relevant and important for the user and the system. First, it begins with:

PE Header

Image DOS header

All EXE files will have a MZ header. To verify if a file can be executed in DOS, a signature of “MZ” at the very first 2 bytes will be present which is declared e_magic below. Another very important field in the DOS header is e_lfanew, an offset to the PE header.

Image DOS header

DOS stub program

The DOS stub program is useful only for DOS system. It is present in every Win32 Executable file. The purpose of this stub is to ensure that the Win32 program will not crash when it is run on a DOS system. It will an output an error message such as, “This program cannot be run in DOS mode.” And exit.

PE File Signature

By using the e_lfanew located at the MS DOS header, you can get the offset to this PE header, which is also right after the DOS-Stub program. To ensure that this is a PE file, a signature for this, “PE00”, will be present in the signature field.

PE File Signature

Image File Header

Right after the PE header is the PE File Header. The important information that most users are interested to know in this header is,

  1. It will inform the operating system what “Machine” it is intended to run,
  2. The number of sections in the section table.
  3. Size of optional header, mainly used to know the correctness of the PE file structure

Image File Header

Image File Optional Header

Following the File Header is the PE File Optional Header. Despite the name being optional, it will always be present in every PE file and it contains very important information on how to treat the PEfile exactly. The important information that most users are interested to know are,

  1. The SizeOfCode, intended to be the size of the executable code.
  2. SizeOfInitializedData, the size of initialized data.
  3. SizeOfUninitializedData, the size of uninitialized data.
  4. AddressIfEntryPoint, offset to the code’s entry point. This is used by the user if he loads the image by hand, for example, from memory. This address will start the process after the user has finish with all the fixups and the relocations.
  5. ImageBase, this is the address that the file has been relocated by the linker.
  6. SectionAlignment
  7. SizeOfImage, the sum of all the headers and section length if aligned to the “SectionAlignment”
  8. SizeOfHeaders, the total length of all the headers and including the data directories and section headers.
  9. NumberOfRvaAndSizes, the number of valid entries in the directories.
  10. And the Arrays of DataDirectory.

Image File Optional Header

Section Tables

The Section Tables is located right after the optional header in the PE file format. This section Tables contains an array of structure and the number of array is determined by NumberOfSections field in the File Header above it. Each Section has its own,

  1. Name
  2. Permission
  3. Size The operating system will,
  4. Read the NumberOfSections in the PE File Header so that it will know how many section are there in the file
  5. Use the SizeOfHeader as the file offset of the section table and moves the file pointer to that offset
  6. It will obtain the Pointer ToRawData in this header mover the file pointer to that offset.
  7. Then, it will read the value in the SizeOfRawData field so that the system will know how man bytes should he map to the memory and mark the attributes of the mapped memory using the value in the Characteristics field in this header.

Section Tables Header

Section Bodies

Section bodies are the actual PE file data. It will depend on the section headers on how to use them.

.NET PE File Structure

Microsoft .NET Framework has extended the PE file format with features that supports the Common Language Runtime. There are two new sections included, CLR Header and CLR Metadata.

CLR Header

In order to get to the CLR Header, we have first to get to the 15th entry IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY in the Optional Header. It contains the offset to the CLR Header.

Section Bodies

CLR Metadata

The CLR Metadata is directly after the CLR Header. It contains a signature and version information.

Section Bodies

Huffman Entropy Encoding Algorithm

The Huffman coding uses a statistical technique. By using only C functions like, memset, memmove, qsort, malloc and memcpy, it can reduce the amount of bits used to represent a string of characters without using any external library such as STL or BoxedApp and more. It did not use a dictionary for reference as Huffman uses a tree.


The header will be created by the compression program and will be used by the decompression program. It stores initial information for the decompression program to reconstruct the Huffman tree that was used by the compression program to compress the original file. It usually be located at the beginning of the compressed file.


Firstly, a tree needs to be build in order to compress data using Huffman Algorithm

Building a Huffman tree

The Huffman tree contains nodes that representing the character, frequency, code and code length. Here is one example of a Huffman tree. An example:

Huffman tree

The Huffman tree is constructed by following this step:

  1. Create a parentless node which can also known as child node, is being creating first. It will contain the character and the frequency of occurrence.
  2. Select any two nodes with the lowest frequency. The only nodes containing character H, U, M, A, N are valid. Character F is not valid as it is currently has the highest frequency, 2.
  3. Create a new node which will be the parent of the two previously selected nodes. The parent node will only contain the sum of the frequency of its child.
  4. Repeat the step 2 and 3 until you reach only one parentless node left, which will be the root. Hence, the string “HUFFMAN” will be written as 000001101001011111 as the output of the compression.


Decompressing is very straight forward. The program will look for the tree in the compressed file header. It will then reconstruct the tree and use that information to get the original output or state of the compressed file.

The decompression program has to return the data to its original state, from binary 000001101001011111 to the string “HUFFMAN”.

  1. It will reconstruct the tree by reading the file header. The header which, the compression program stores the initial information of the Huffman tree.
  2. It will then use the code and code length to find the parentless node which contains the original character.

Dynamic Process Forking Of Portable Executable

When Windows open up any file, it will make a copy of it into the memory. The same goes for executable file.

When the file is in the memory, it will be called a module. The beginning of the file address is can be called HMODULE. By using the GetModuleFileName() API, you will be able to get the address to file in the memory, giving you the ability to locate the file and able to read or write the memory space. The data structure of the PE file on disk will be the same if it is loaded into the memory.

Therefore, they are equal and loading a PE into memory is just mapping some ranges of the executable into the address space. What this also means, the data structure of the MZ DOS header on the disk will be equal to that in the memory. Windows usually decide which essential parts of the PE file should be mapped.

The un-packer will create a new child process and replace its content with the unpacked executable file content. This allows the unpacked executable file load directly from memory.

Dynamic Process Forking Of Portable Executable

XOR Encryption

Exclusive OR (XOR) encryption is and encryption that is almost unbreakable by brute force methods.

How it works?

It is very simple encryption to use and it strong brute force. The encryption uses bitwise XOR operation on the original data and a key. It will produce an encrypted data.

The encrypted data can only be decrypted by using the bitwise XOR operation on the encrypted data and the same key.

In XOR Encryption, I can reuse the same code for encrypting and decrypting.

XOR Encryption