ODBC Scanner DuckDB Extension
A DuckDB extension to read data directly from databases supporting the ODBC interface
ODBCSYSINI=${PWD} ODBCINSTINI=.odbcinst.ini ODBCINI=.odbc.ini ./build/release/duckdb
D select * from odbc_scan(
'Driver={db2 odbctest};Hostname=localhost;Database=odbctest;Uid=db2inst1;Pwd=password;Port=50000',
│ varchar │ int32 │ decimal(20,2) │
│ Lebron James │ 37 │ 100.10 │
│ Spiderman │ 25 │ 200.20 │
│ Wonder Woman │ 22 │ 300.30 │
│ David Bowie │ 69 │ 400.40 │
Supported Databases
This extension is tested and known to work with the ODBC drivers of the following databases.
Database | Tests | Linux x86_64 | Linux arm64 | OS X x86_64 | OS X aarch64 |
IBM Db2 | odbc_scan_db2 | [x] | [ ] | [x] | [ ] |
MSSQL | odbc_scan_msql | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
Oracle | odbc_scan_oracle | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
Postgres | odbc_scan_postgres | [x] | [x] | [x] | [x] |
MySQL | odbc_scan_mysql | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
MariaDB | odbc_scan_mariadb | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
Snowflake | odbc_scan_snowflake | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
BigQuery | odbc_scan_big_query | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
MongoDB | odbc_scan_mongo_db | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] | [ ] |
If you have tested the extension against other databases let us know by opening an issue or creating a pull request with a set of tests.
Connection String and DSN Formats
For a full list of supported values read the connection string documentation.
ODBC Drivers
Drivers can be downloaded from most vendors. This package manages ODBC drivers through the odbc-drivers-nix flake. If you'd like to have nix download and manage drivers and their dependencies follow the instructions in the README.
This repository manages development dependencies such drivers and shared libraries with nix. It assumes you have it installed.
All development
and test
tasks should be run within a nix shell
nix develop -c $SHELL
The odbc-scanner-duckdb-extension
is built with a clang
toolchain. To enable clangd
LSP support run the .clangd
generator nix application.
nix run .#generate-dot-clangd
To build the extension with the official DuckDB cmake
toolchain and clangd
run the build nix application which will link
to the correct version of unixodbc
nix run .#build
To use ODBC DSN's with driver paths managed by the odbc-drivers-nix
flake run the generate nix apps.
nix run .#generate-odbc-ini
nix run .#generate-odbcinst-ini
Run the official DuckDB cmake
builder with nix
to ensure unixodbc
is linked correctly
docker compose up
nix run .#test
Installing the deployed binaries
To install your extension binaries from S3, you will need to do two things. Firstly, DuckDB should be launched with the
option set to true. How to set this will depend on the client you're using. Some examples:
duckdb -unsigned
con = duckdb.connect(':memory:', config={'allow_unsigned_extensions' : 'true'})
db = new duckdb.Database(':memory:', {"allow_unsigned_extensions": "true"});
Secondly, you will need to set the repository endpoint in DuckDB to the HTTP url of your bucket + version of the extension you want to install. To do this run the following SQL query in DuckDB:
SET custom_extension_repository='<your_extension_name>/latest';
Note that the /latest
path will allow you to install the latest extension version available for your current version of
DuckDB. To specify a specific version, you can pass the version instead.
After running these steps, you can install and load your extension using the regular INSTALL/LOAD commands in DuckDB:
INSTALL 'build/release/extension/odbc_scanner/odbc_scanner.duckdb_extension';
LOAD 'build/release/extension/odbc_scanner/odbc_scanner.duckdb_extension';
is released under the MIT license