

Polkadot Module Verification


Useful links


Make sure you have all the dependencies of KWasm installed: https://github.com/kframework/wasm-semantics.

Then the following (roughly) is what you need to do to build KWasm for this repository.

git submodule update --init --recursive
make deps
make build -j2 BUILD=coverage
make build -j2


export PATH=./deps/wasm-semantics/deps/k/k-distribution/target/release/k/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=./deps/wasm-semantics/deps/k/k-distribution/target/release/k/lib/kframework

Then try merging rules for a given test:

make test-merge-rules -j8

Performing Rule Merges

Make sure you have PATH and PYTHONPATH set as above.

You can get help with ./search.py --help.

You can try to do productivity rule merging on the input using:

./search.py summary

To profile which rule merges are slow, you can use the profile mode of search.py. For example, the following runs all batches of 10 rules 3 times each, and prints out the ones that are more than 0.8 standard deviations away from the mean merge time.

./search.py profile -n 1 -w 10 -r 3 -d 0.8 &> search_profile

Updating Source Files


Several files are too large to re-generate every time, so they are committed under the src/ directory. They depend on the version of Substrate committed at deps/substrate. The files are:

When updating the Substrate submodule, you need to update the files under src/ which the Makefile can assist with. NO GUARANTEES that the procedure using by the Makefile correctly builds the needed source files. To build just the src/polkadot-runtime.wat file that will be used as the Substrate source, run:

make polkadot-runtime-source

To build all the src/ files, run:

make polkadot-runtime-loaded

Proving High-Level Specifications

The *-spec.md files contain high-level specifications of the system behavior. The definition file containing the semantics for the proofs must be put in a file with the same name but without the -spec suffix; i.e. the semantics used to prove foo-spec.md are placed in foo.md. The *-spec.md file must contain a module called VERIFICATION which imports the semantics module. See the structure of set-balance-spec.md and set-balance.md for an example.

To run the prover on all specifications, run:

make prove-specs