

Giskard Verification

Docker CI

The Giskard consensus protocol is used to validate transactions and computations in the PlatON network. This project provides a model of Giskard in Coq, and formally proves several key safety properties of the protocol.


Building instructions

We recommend installing Coq 8.16 via OPAM:

opam install coq.8.16.0

When Coq is installed, use the following commands to obtain and build the project:

git clone https://github.com/runtimeverification/giskard-verification.git
cd giskard-verification
make   # or make -j <number-of-cores-on-your-machine>

This will build all model definitions and check all the proofs.


An overview of the Giskard protocol is provided as part of the PlatON Consensus Solution documentation. The Coq formalization is based on a more abstract specification of the protocol.

Coq model and proofs

The Coq protocol model aims to capture safety properties of Giskard, and thus omits many implementation-level details such as on verifiable random functions. For details on the model and the safety proofs, see the report:

<img src="resources/pdf-icon.png" alt="PDF" width="20" /> Verifying Safety of the Giskard Consensus Protocol in Coq

File organization

All Coq code is in the theories directory and is organized as follows:

Generating documentation

HTML documentation can be generated using coqdoc by running the following command in the repository root:

make coqdoc

Then, a good entry point for your browser is docs/coqdoc/toc.html.