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The Rune Language, an embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust.
If you want to help out, please have a look at Open Issues.
<br>Highlights of Rune
- Runs a compact representation of the language on top of an efficient stack-based virtual machine.
- Clean Rust integration š».
- Multithreaded š execution.
- Hot reloading š.
- Memory safe through reference counting š.
- Awesome macros š and Template literals š.
- Try operators š and Pattern matching š.
- Structs and enums š with associated data and functions.
- Dynamic containers like vectors š, objects š, and tuples š all with out-of-the-box serde support š».
- First-class async support š with Generators š.
- Dynamic instance functions š.
- Stack isolation š between function calls.
Rune scripts
You can run Rune programs with the bundled CLI:
cargo run --bin rune -- run scripts/hello_world.rn
If you want to see detailed diagnostics of your program while it's running, you can use:
cargo run --bin rune -- run scripts/hello_world.rn --dump --trace
See --help
for more information.
Running scripts from Rust
You can find more examples in the
The following is a complete example, including rich diagnostics using
. It can be made much simpler if this is not needed.
use rune::{Context, Diagnostics, Source, Sources, Vm};
use rune::termcolor::{ColorChoice, StandardStream};
use std::sync::Arc;
let context = Context::with_default_modules()?;
let runtime = Arc::new(context.runtime()?);
let mut sources = Sources::new();
sources.insert(Source::memory("pub fn add(a, b) { a + b }")?);
let mut diagnostics = Diagnostics::new();
let result = rune::prepare(&mut sources)
.with_diagnostics(&mut diagnostics)
if !diagnostics.is_empty() {
let mut writer = StandardStream::stderr(ColorChoice::Always);
diagnostics.emit(&mut writer, &sources)?;
let unit = result?;
let mut vm = Vm::new(runtime, Arc::new(unit));
let output =["add"], (10i64, 20i64))?;
let output: i64 = rune::from_value(output)?;
println!("{}", output);