

EZCrop: Energy-Zoned Channels for Robust Output Pruning (Link)


Our key insight is that the energy distribution of feature maps generated by a fixed filter can reflect the filter's importance. The Supplementary Materials can be downloaded here.



If you use EZCrop in your research, please kindly cite this work by

  title={EZCrop: Energy-Zoned Channels for Robust Output Pruning},
  author={Lin, Rui and Ran, Jie and Wang, Dongpeng and Chiu, King Hung and Wong, Ngai},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.03679},

Runing Codes

To use EZCrop, the users are expected to generate the ratios first, then do the pruning and retrain the pruned model based on the evaluation results.

Energy Ratio Generation

python ratio_generation.py \
--ratio_path ratio_conv/ \
--EZCrop 1 \
--alpha [A number between 0 and 1] \
--conv_fm 1 \
--data_dir [Your path to the dataset] \
--dataset cifar10 \
--arch [Choose the model architecture] \
--pretrain_dir [Your path to Pretrained model] \
--limit 5 \
--batch_size 128 \
--gpu 0,1 

Model Training


python evaluate_cifar.py \
--data_dir [Your path to the dataset] \
--arch [Choose the model architecture] \
--job_dir [Your path to save trained models] \
--pretrain_dir [Your path to Pretrained model] \
--ratio_conv_prefix [Ratio conv file folder] \
--compress_rate [Compress rate of each conv] \
--gpu 0,1 \


python evaluate.py \
--data_dir [Your path to the dataset] \
--arch [Choose the model architecture] \
--job_dir [Your path to save trained models] \
--pretrain_dir [Your path to Pretrained model] \
--ratio_conv_prefix [Ratio conv file folder] \
--compress_rate [Compress rate of each conv] \
--gpu 0,1 \

Core Codes

def torch_fftshift(real, imag):
        - real: a matrix of size [h, w], which is the real number part of the feature map slice in frequency domain.
        - imag: a matrix of size [h, w], which is the imaginary number part of the feature map slice in frequency domain.
        - real: a matrix of size [h, w], which is the real number part of the feature map slice in frequency domain 
        after shift operation.
        - imag: a matrix of size [h, w], which is the imaginary number part of the feature map slice in frequency domain
        after shift operation.
    for dim in range(0, len(real.size())):
        real = torch.roll(real, dims=dim, shifts=real.size(dim)//2)
        imag = torch.roll(imag, dims=dim, shifts=imag.size(dim)//2)
    return real, imag

def StepDecision(h, w, alpha):
        - h: a scalar, which is the height of the given feature map slice.
        - w: a scalar, which is the width of the given feature map slice.
        - alpha: a scalar between 0 and 1, which determines the size of selcted area.
        - step: a scalar, which decides the selected area of the given feature map in frequency domain.
    if h % 2 == 0 and w % 2 == 0:
        xc = h / 2
        yc = w / 2
        xc = (h - 1) / 2
        yc = (w - 1) / 2
    max_h = h - (xc + 1)
    max_w = w - (yc + 1)
    if xc - 1 == 0 or yc - 1 == 0:
        step = 0
        step = min(int(math.ceil(max_h * alpha)),int(math.ceil(max_w * alpha)))
    return step

def EnergyRatio(fm_slice, alpha=1/4):
        - fm_slice: a matrix of size [h, w], which is a slice of a given feature map in spatial domain.
        - ratio: a scalar, which is the ratio of the energy of the unselected area of the feature map 
        and the total energy of the feature map (both in frequency domain).
    FFT_fm_slice = torch.rfft(fm_slice, signal_ndim=2, onesided=False)
    shift_real, shift_imag = torch_fftshift(FFT_fm_slice[:,:,0], FFT_fm_slice[:,:,1])
    FFTshift_fm_slice = (shift_real**2 + shift_imag**2)**(1/2)
    FFTshift_fm_slice = torch.log(FFTshift_fm_slice+1)
    h, w = FFTshift_fm_slice.shape
    step = StepDecision(h, w, alpha)
    if h % 2 == 0 and w % 2 == 0:
        xc = h / 2
        yc = w / 2
        xc = (h - 1) / 2
        yc = (w - 1) / 2
    E = sum(sum(FFTshift_fm_slice))
    select_FFTshift_fm_slice = FFTshift_fm_slice[int(xc-step):int(xc+step+1), int(yc-step):int(yc+step+1)]
    select_E = sum(sum(select_FFTshift_fm_slice))
    ratio = 1 - select_E / E
    if ratio != ratio:
        ratio = torch.zeros(1)
    return ratio

Experimental Results


DatasetModelHRankEZCrop (↓)
CIFAR-10VGGNet1505.54s356.94s (76.29%)
CIFAR-10ResNet-561247.51s381.97s (69.38%)
CIFAR-10DenseNet-40473.17s171.50s (63.76%)
ImageNetResNet-507.96h3.45h (56.60%)


Params (↓)FLOPs (↓)Top-1%
2.76M (81.6%)131.17M (58.1%)94.01
2.50M (83.3%)104.78M (66.6%)93.70

ResNet-56 @ CIFAR-10

Params (↓)FLOPs (↓)Top-1%
0.56M (34.1%)87.84M (30.0%)94.18
0.48M (42.8%)65.94M (47.4%)93.80
0.24M (70.0%)34.78M (74.1%)92.52

DenseNet-40 @ CIFAR-10

Params (↓)FLOPs (↓)Top-1%
0.62M (40.1%)173.39M (38.5%)94.72
0.39M (61.9%)113.08M (59.9%)93.76

ResNet-50 @ ImageNet


Repetitive Pruning

#Pass (#epochs)FLOPsParamsTop-1%
1 (300)90.86M0.63M93.95
2 (300)66.25M0.46M93.42
3 (300)36.03M0.22M92.18


EZCrop is released under MIT License.


This code is implemented based on HRankPlus. We thanks for this open-source implementations.