



Prepare environment for hocho apply

(some of them are to be automated using hocho)

  1. Add the ssh configuration to ~/.ssh/config for your machine as follows. The Host <ip address> is used as an argument of the hocho apply later.

    Host debian.rubyci.org
      IdentityFile <path to key>
  2. Install which, curl, git and rsync commands in the target VM server.

  3. Add the NOPASSWD option to /etc/sudoers for your logined user in the target VM server.


You should enable CodeReady Linux Builder repository.

sudo yum-config-manager --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-rhui-rpms

You can confirm these repos with the following command.

sudo yum repolist --all


(to be automated using hocho)

pkg install sudo # then add NOPASSWD with visudo
pkg install bash


(to be automated using hocho)

doas pkg_add rsync
doas pkg_add bash
doas pkg_add sudo # then add NOPASSWD to /etc/sudoers


# Try adding `package 'eix'` before all other `package` next time
sudo emerge eix
sudo eix-update # to be automated too

Run hocho

The specified domain is equivalent with the Host <ip address> in the ~/.ssh/config.

# check if you can login
bash -cx "ssh debian.rubyci.org echo OK"

# dry-run
bin/hocho apply -n debian.rubyci.org

# apply
bin/hocho apply debian.rubyci.org

All chkbuild

# check if you can login
for i in $(bin/hosts); do bash -cx "ssh ${i} echo OK"; done

# dry-run
for i in $(bin/hosts); do bundle exec hocho apply -n "${i}"; done

# apply
for i in $(bin/hosts); do bundle exec hocho apply "${i}"; done


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