

Learning Processing examples adapted to ruby-processing

Learning Processing by Daniel Shiffman is an book that serves as a gentle introduction to the theory and practice of programming. It works by introducing code concepts over the course of 23 chapters, and creating a series of examples that build on them. Daniel Shiffman is a professor of the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University.

These samples have been ported over to ruby-processing here. Although the sketches stand on their own merit, you should remember that they were originally designed to illustrate the book (so to get the most from them you should get the book). Since they have been translated to more idiomatic ruby, some of the sketches may no longer exactly illustrate the points made in the book. However such sketches serve to demonstrate the differences between processing and ruby-processing. However you might choose instead to get a more up to date book and, Daniel Shiffman, has written another book The Nature of Code which has also been ported to ruby-processing here the original examples can be found in the processing ide File/Examples/Books/Nature of Code.

@todo port to JRubyArt see below:-

def setup # ruby-processing
  size 200, 200

def settings # JRubyArt
  size 200, 200

def setup
  sketch_title 'My Sketch'