

March Hare, a JRuby RabbitMQ Client

March Hare is an idiomatic, fast and well-maintained (J)Ruby DSL on top of the RabbitMQ Java client. It strives to combine strong parts of the Java client with over 4 years of experience using and developing Ruby amqp gem and Bunny.

Why March Hare

What March Hare is not

March Hare is not

Project Maturity

March Hare has been around since 2011 and can be considered a mature library.

It is based on the RabbitMQ Java client, which is officially supported by the RabbitMQ team at VMware.

Installation, Dependency

With Rubygems

gem install march_hare

With Bundler

gem "march_hare", "~> 4.5"



MarchHare documentation guides are now a part of this repository and can be read directly on GitHub.


Several code examples are available. Our test suite also has many code examples that demonstrate various parts of the API.

Supported Ruby Versions

March Hare supports JRuby 9.0 or later.

Supported JDK Versions

March Hare requires JDK 8 or later.

Change Log

See ChangeLog.md.

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration status

CI is hosted by travis-ci.org


You'll need a running RabbitMQ instance with all defaults and management plugin enabled on your local machine to run the specs.

To boot one via docker you can use:

docker run -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management

And then you can run the specs using rspec:

bundle exec rspec


MIT, see LICENSE in the repository root


(c) 2011-2013 Theo Hultberg (c) 2013-2022 Michael S. Klishin and contributors