

Kicks, né Sneakers


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What is Kicks?

Kicks is a high-performance RabbitMQ background processing framework for Ruby, originally developed by @jondot 👏 under the name of Sneakers. The original repo was abandoned by the person who has exclusive control over the RubyGems project, so the community of users has decided to move it to this "fork" (continuation) under the new name.

By virtue of its Sneakers lineage, Kicks is a mature project that has been around since 2016.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kicks'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install kicks


A quick start guide is available in the section below.

Visit the wiki for more detailed documentation and GitHub releases for release notes.

A change log is also available.

Quick start

Set up a Gemfile

source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'kicks'
gem 'json'
gem 'redis'

How do we add a worker? Firstly create a file and name it as boot.rb then create a worker named as Processor.

touch boot.rb

# Note: the files still use "sneakers" for the name
require 'sneakers'
require 'redis'
require 'json'

$redis = Redis.new

class Processor
  include Sneakers::Worker
  from_queue :logs

  def work(msg)
    err = JSON.parse(msg)
    if err["type"] == "error"
      $redis.incr "processor:#{err["error"]}"


Let's test it out quickly from the command line:

$ sneakers work Processor --require boot.rb

We just told Sneakers to spawn a worker named Processor, but first --require a file that we dedicate to setting up environment, including workers and what-not.

If you go to your RabbitMQ admin now, you'll see a new queue named logs was created. Push a couple messages like below:

   "type": "error",
   "message": "HALP!",
   "error": "CODE001"

Publish a message with the bunny gem RabbitMQ client:

require 'bunny'

conn = Bunny.new

ch = conn.create_channel
ch.default_exchange.publish({ type: 'error', message: 'HALP!', error: 'CODE001' }.to_json, routing_key: 'logs')


And this is the output you should see at your terminal.

2013-10-11T19:26:36Z p-4718 t-ovqgyb31o DEBUG: [worker-logs:1:213mmy][#<Thread:0x007fae6b05cc58>][logs][{:prefetch=>10, :durable=>true, :ack=>true, :heartbeat_interval=>2, :exchange=>"sneakers"}] Working off: log log
2013-10-11T19:26:36Z p-4718 t-ovqgyrxu4 INFO: log log
2013-10-11T19:26:40Z p-4719 t-ovqgyb364 DEBUG: [worker-logs:1:h23iit][#<Thread:0x007fae6b05cd98>][logs][{:prefetch=>10, :durable=>true, :ack=>true, :heartbeat_interval=>2, :exchange=>"sneakers"}] Working off: log log
2013-10-11T19:26:40Z p-4719 t-ovqgyrx8g INFO: log log

We'll count errors and error types with Redis.

$ redis-cli monitor
1381520329.888581 [0] "incr" "processor:CODE001"

We're basically done with the ceremonies and all is left is to do some real work.

Looking at metrics

Let's use the logging_metrics provider just for the sake of fun of seeing the metrics as they happen.

# boot.rb
require 'sneakers'
require 'redis'
require 'json'
require 'sneakers/metrics/logging_metrics'
Sneakers.configure(metrics: Sneakers::Metrics::LoggingMetrics.new)

# ... rest of code

Now push a message again and you'll see:

2013-10-11T19:44:37Z p-9219 t-oxh8owywg INFO: INC: work.Processor.started
2013-10-11T19:44:37Z p-9219 t-oxh8owywg INFO: TIME: work.Processor.time 0.00242
2013-10-11T19:44:37Z p-9219 t-oxh8owywg INFO: INC: work.Processor.handled.ack

Which increments started and handled.ack, and times the work unit.

From here, you can continue over to the Wiki


If you use Docker, there's some benefits to be had and you can use both docker and docker-compose with this project, in order to run tests, integration tests or a sample worker without setting up RabbitMQ or the environment needed locally on your development box.



Fork, implement, add tests, pull request, get my everlasting thanks and a respectable place here :).


To all Sneakers Contributors - you make this happen, thanks!


See LICENSE for further details.


Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Kicks contributors.

Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Dotan Nahum @jondot.