

Atari 2600 Boxing clone for the Game Boy (Color)

gbc-atari-boxing is a kind of clone of the popular Atari 2600 Boxing game developed by Activision in 1980.


The code of this Game Boy clone is just a simple aproximation to the original game. It was developed while learning to program Game Boy games in February 2001.


First, you need to install the SDK (GBDK). Once GBDK is intalled, clone or download this repository, and execute the next compiler commands in your local copy of the repository.

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gbdk/bin/

lcc -c back_t.c back_m.c back_p.c player.c
lcc boxing.c -Wl-yp0x143=0xC0 -o Boxing.gbc back_t.o back_m.o back_p.o player.o

This will generate Boxing.gbc file.


In order to generate the map and the tiles GBTD and GBMB were used. GBTD and GBMB are not required for bulding he game, but you can use them if you want to modify the map and the sprites.

Try it

Boxing.gbc file can be loaded to higan or any other GBC emulator.

You can play it online in http://taisel.github.io/GameBoy-Online/, just download Boxing.gbc or build your on, and open it in "File >> Open As >> Local File".