

Bottler (BETA)

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Abandoned !

This project has not been used by me in production for months and I don't expect to be able to dedicate time to it for a while. It was never meant to be more than my own tools, just in the open. So no big deal.

As always, feel free to fork it and go on with it if you find it useful for you!

Bottler is a collection of tools that aims to help you generate releases, ship them to your servers, install them there, and get them live on production.


Several tools that can be used separately:

You should have public key ssh access to all servers you intend to work with. Erlang runtime should be installed there too. Everything else, including Elixir itself, is included in the release.

By now it's not able to deal with all the hot code swap bolts, screws and nuts. Someday will be.

Alternative to...

Initially it was an alternative to exrm, due to its lack of some features I love.

Recently, after creating and using bottler on several projects for some months, I discovered edeliver and it looks great! When I have time I will read carefully its code and play differences with bottler, maybe borrow some ideas.

Looking forward to distillery too. The plan is to use it to generate the releases.


Add to your deps like this:

    {:bottler, " >= 0.5.0"}

Or if you want to take a walk on the wild side:

    {:bottler, github: "rubencaro/bottler"}

On your config:

    config :bottler, :params, [servers: [server1: [ip: ""],
                                         server2: [ip: ""]],
                               remote_user: "produser",
                               rsa_pass_phrase: "passphrase",
                               cookie: "secretcookie",
                               max_processes: 262144,
                               additional_folders: ["docs"],
                               ship: [timeout: 60_000,
                                      method: :scp],
                               green_flag: [timeout: 30_000],
                               goto: [terminal: "terminator -T '<%= title %>' -e '<%= command %>'"]
                               forced_branch: "master",
                               hooks: [pre_release: %{command: "whatever", continue_on_fail: false}]]

Then you can use the tasks like mix bottler.release. Take a look at the docs for each task with mix help <task>.

prod environment is used by default. Use like MIX_ENV=other_env mix bottler.taskname to force it to other_env.

You may also want to add <project>/rel and <project>/.bottler to your .gitignore if you don't want every generated file, including release .tar.gz, get into your repo.


Build a release file. Use like mix bottler.release.

Any script (or EEx template) on a lib/scripts folder will be included into the release package. The install task also links that folder directly from the current release, so you can see your scripts on production inside $HOME/<project>/current/scripts. The contents of the folder will be merged with the own bottler lib/scripts folder. Take a look at it for examples ( https://github.com/rubencaro/bottler/tree/master/lib/scripts ).


Ship a release file to configured remote servers. Use like mix bottler.ship.

You can configure some things about it, under the ship section:


Install a shipped file on configured remote servers. Use like mix bottler.install.


Touch tmp/restart on configured remote servers. That expects to have Harakiri or similar software reacting to that. Use like mix bottler.restart.

Alive Loop

Tipically implemented on production like this:

@doc """
Tell the world outside we are alive
def alive_loop(opts \\ []) do
  # register the name if asked
  if opts[:name], do: Process.register(self,opts[:name])

  :timer.sleep 5_000
  tmp_path = Application.get_env(:myapp, :tmp_path) |> Path.expand
  {_, _, version} = Application.started_applications |> Enum.find(&(match?({:myapp, _, _}, &1)))
  :os.cmd 'echo \'#{version}\' > #{tmp_path}/alive'

And run by a Task on the supervision tree like this:

worker(Task, [MyApp, :alive_loop, [[name: MyApp.AliveLoop]]])

It touches the tmp/alive file every ~5 seconds, so anyone outside of the ErlangVM can tell if the app is actually running.

Watchdog script for crontab

Among the generated scripts, put by the deploy task inside $HOME/<project>/current/scripts, there's a watchdog.sh meant to be run by cron.

That script checks the mtime of the tmp/alive file to ensure that it's younger than 60 seconds. If it's not, then it starts the application. If the application is running, the watchdog script will not even try to start it again.

Green Flag Test

A task to wait until the contents of tmp/alive file matches the version of the current release, or the given timeout is reached.

Use like mix bottler.green_flag.

If you have special needs with the start of your application, such as to wait for some cache to fill or some connections to be made, then you just have to control the actual value that is written on the alive file. It has to match the new version only when everything is ready to work. You can use an Agent like:

@doc """
Tell the world outside we are alive
def alive_loop(opts \\ []) do
  version = Agent.get(:version_holder, &(&1))


Build a release file, ship it to remote servers, install it, and restart the app. Then it waits for the green flag test. No hot code swap for now.

Use like mix deploy.


Simply move the current link to the previous release and restart to apply. It's also possible to deploy a previous release, but this is quite faster.

Be careful because the previous release may be different on each server. It's up to you to keep all your servers rollback-able (yeah).

Use like mix bottler.rollback.


Use like mix observer server1

It takes the ip of the given server from configuration, then opens a double SSH tunnel with its epmd service and its application node. Then executes an elixir script which spawns an observer window locally, connected with the tunnelled node. You just need to select the remote node from the Nodes menu.


Use like mix bottler.exec 'ls -alt some/path'

It runs the given command through parallel SSH connections with all the configured servers. It accepts an optional --timeout parameter.


Use like mix goto server1

It opens an SSH session on a new terminal window on the server with given name. The actual terminal command can be configured as a template.

GCE support

Whenever you can use Google's gcloud from your computer (i.e. authenticate and see if it works), you can configure bottler to use it too to get your instances IP addresses. Instead of:

    servers: [server1: [ip: ""],
              server2: [ip: ""]]

You just do:

    servers: [gce_project: "project-id", match: "regexstr"]

When you perform an operation on a server, its ip will be obtained using gcloud command. You don't need to reserve more static IP addresses for your instances.

Optionally you can give a match regex string to default filter server names given by gcloud. Just the same you would give to the --servers switch of the tasks. This filter will be added to the one given at the commandline switch. I.e. if you configure match and then pass --servers, then only servers with a name that matches both regexes will pass.


You can configure hooks to be run at several points of the process. To define a hook you must add it to your configuration like this:

hooks: [hook_point_name: %{command: "whatever", continue_on_fail: false}],

continue_on_fail marks the behaviour of bottler when the return code of given command is not zero. When continue_on_fail is true, bottler will continue with the normal execution. Otherwise it will halt.

Supported hook points are:







