

Evaluating Off-the-Shelf NLP Tools for German

This repository contains the scripts, dataset, and evaluation results from the paper:

Katrin Ortmann, Adam Roussel, and Stefanie Dipper. 2019. Evaluating Off-the-Shelf NLP Tools for German. In Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS), 212--222. [pdf] [bib]



In theory you can use the provided Makefile to run the experiments, but in practice it is a lot of work to install all of these systems individually. We hope to eventually provide a Dockerfile to make running all of the experiments easier.

However, performing the evaluation (make evaluate), i.e. comparing the system output to the gold standard, and calculating performance statistics (make analysis) should work, provided you have Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn installed.

Results Preview

A more detailed evaluation can be found in the paper cited above.


For more on the available off-the-shelf tools and resources for German NLP, see https://github.com/adbar/German-NLP.


The evaluation data is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, except for the TED talk sample, which is provided under CC BY–NC–ND 4.0.