



This repo is really old, and it's the first Go I ever wrote. It's probably pretty vile (I'm sure if I looked back at it now, I'd grimace a lot). Proceed with caution...


An Apache Solr library written in Go, which is my first Go project! Functionality includes:

For more information on Solr itself, please refer to Solr's wiki.

This library is released under the "do whatever you like" license.

Examples / Documentation

Example programs can be found in the examples folder here.

Creating a connection - solr.Init()

Import the solr package (it is assumed you know how to build/install it, if not, see here) and create a "connection" to your solr server by calling the solr.Init(hostname, port int) function supplying a hostname and port.

// connect to server running on localhost port 8983
s, err := solr.Init("localhost", 8983)

Performing Select Queries - solr.Select()

Select queries are performed using the solr.Select(q *Query) method, passing it a pointer to a Query type.

Here's an example:

q := solr.Query{
    Params: solr.URLParamMap{
        "q": []string{"id:31"},
        "facet.field": []string{"some_field", "some_other_field"},
        "facet": "true",
    Rows: 10,
    Sort: "title ASC",

Here we have defined a set of URL parameters - q, facet.field, facet, rows and sort using the solr.Query{} struct. Under the hood this would work out as the following Solr query string:

GET http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=id:31&facet.field=some_field&facet.field=some_other_field&facet=true

Notice that facet_field, like q, is an array of strings and appears multiple times in the resulting query string (shown above)

Performing a query using our solr.Query() is simple and shown below

res, err := s.Select(&q)
if err != nil {

// ...

A pointer to q is passed to s.Select(), and returned is a pointer to a SelectResponse (res) and an error (err) if an error occurred.

Iterating over the results is shown later in this document.

Performing 'Raw' Select Queries - solr.SelectRaw()

rsty/solr supports raw queries where you can specify your exact query in string form. This is useful for specifying complex queries where a Query type would be cumbersome. Raw queries are performed as follows:

q := "q={!func}add($v1,$v2)&v1=sqrt(popularity)&v2=100.0" // a solr query
res, err := s.SelectRaw(q)
if err != nil {
    // handle error here
// ...

In other words, under the hood the following query will have been performed:

GET http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q={!func}add($v1,$v2)&v1=sqrt(popularity)&v2=100.0

As with solr.Select(), solr.SelectRaw() returns a pointer to a SelectResponse and an error, err.

Responses - SelectResponse type

Responses to select queries (solr.Select() and solr.RawSelect()) come in the form of pointers to SelectResponse types. A SelectResponse wraps a Solr response with a convenient interface. The following few paragraphs and sections describe the various parts of a SelectResponse object

SelectResponse type

A pointer to a SelectResponse and an error are returned from calls to solr.Select() and solr.SelectRaw(). A SelectResponse mimics a Solr response and therefore has the following attributes:

More information on Status and QTime can be found here.

DocumentCollection object

A DocumentCollection wraps up a set of Documents providing a convenient interface to them.

DocumentCollection supports the following methods:

DocumentCollection has the following properties:

Document object

Documents implement the following methods:


Facet object

If your select query specifies facets, facets will be found under Response.Results.Facets which is an array of Facets. A Facet has the following attributes

FacetCount object

A FacetCount has the following attributes

Faceting example

Below is an example showing an iteration over a collection of Facets

// q is assumed to have been set up

// perform the query
res, err := s.Query(&q)

// handle error, err, here

results := res.Results
for i := 0; i < results.NumFacets; i++ {
    facet := results.Facets[i]
    fmt.Println("Facet:", facet.Name)
    k := len(facet.Counts)
    for j := 0; j < k; j++ {
        fmt.Println(facet.Counts[j].Value, "=>", facet.Counts[j].Count)

This might output the following:

Facet: category
cameras => 1

Facet: type
digital_slr => 10
compact => 2

Update Queries - solr.Update()

Update queries are used to add, replace or delete documents in Solr's index. Please see the Solr Wiki for more information. Go-Solr uses JSON for update queries, not XML. Solr3.1 will need to be configured to support JSON for update messages, Solr 4.0+ supports JSON natively via /update.

Creating an Update query - example

solr.Update(document map[string]interface{}, commit bool) takes two arguments, an "update document" and a commit flag (boolean) which specifies whether or not a commit should be performed at the same time as the update is performed. An example may look like the following

q, err := solr.Update(document, true);
if err != nil {
    // ...

An update document must be of type map[string]interface{}, and may look like the following:

doc := map[string]interface {}{
    "add":[]interface {}{
        map[string]interface {}{"id": 22, "title": "abc"},
        map[string]interface {}{"id": 23, "title": "def"},
        map[string]interface {}{"id": 24, "title": "def"},

... which is equivalent to the following JSON:

{"add": [{"id": 22, "title": "abc"}, {"id": 23, "title": "def"}, {"id": 24, "title": "def"}]}

... which is an Update which adds (or replaces) 3 documents in a fictional Solr index.

You can define any type of document to send off to Solr in an update. Support will be added later to allow raw JSON strings to be used in Updates.

solr.Update() returns an UpdateResponse and an error. UpdateResponse has a Success (bool) property.