


The "bolão" software powering Bolão PiTTlândia Copa do Mundo 2014

Build Status Code Climate Test Coverage

Running on development

You will need:

Clone the repo and setup .env with values for your environment (use .env.example as a starting point, changing the values where needed).

Next run the standard Rails app setup:

$ bundle install
$ bin/rake db:setup

To start the app, run:

$ bin/foreman start


Simply run:

$ bin/rake spec


Read TODO.md to see what needs to be done still if you would like to contribute. Then fork this repo, make your changes on your fork in a topic branch and submit a pull request against this repo's master branch.

Please write all code, comments, tests and commit messages in english. Use 2 spaces to indent code and follow idiomatic Ruby as close as possible. No CoffeeScript, please.