

Elm Wizardry!

LambdaConf 2015 Workshop: Writing an Adventure Game in Elm

Installing Elm

The Elm Platform (currently version 0.15) includes everything you'll need for the workshop.

Once installation completes, you should be able to run the following:

You may also want to install a syntax highlighting plugin for your favorite editor.

Set Up Workshop Materials

  1. Grab this repository with git clone https://github.com/rtfeldman/lambdaconf-2015-elm-workshop.git
  2. Run cd lambdaconf-2015-elm-workshop/1_basic
  3. You should now be in a directory called 1_basic. Run ls to see the contents of this 1_basic directory; make sure you see these 6 files: Monsters.elm, Wizardry.elm, Spells.elm, index.html, elm-package.json, and style.css.
  4. Run elm-package install to download and install the project’s dependencies. Answer y when prompted "Do you approve of this plan? (y/n)"
  5. Run elm-reactor and navigate to localhost:8000 in your browser. You should see this: elm-reactor screenshot
  6. Under the Other Files heading, click index.html to open the app! You should see this: 1_basic
  7. From here, you can proceed directly to the directions for Part 1 of the workshop, or continue reading below for some useful tips about your Elm development tools.

Using elm-reactor, elm-make, and elm-repl

The workshop will use elm-reactor for the convenience of automatic recompilation, but as elm-reactor is a ways off from a stable 1.0 release (see the next section for workarounds to some known issues), you may prefer to use the much more stable Elm Compiler directly via elm-make or elm-repl.

The most direct way to do a build is simply to run elm-make Wizardry.elm from within the same directory as the Wizardry.elm file. This will generate an output file called elm.js, which index.html is already configured to load. The downside to this approach is that you need to re-run this command each time you want to recompile.

Alternatively, you can check whether your code compiles from within elm-repl before doing a build. To start up the REPL, simply run elm-repl. Once inside, enter import Wizardry to compile and load Wizardry.elm into the current REPL session. When you enter a term into elm-repl, it always prints both the value as well as the type; there is no need to separately query for type information. If you enter a function - for example, List.map, it will print <function> followed by the function's type.

An important caveat is that there is an open bug where modules that depend directly on elm-html cannot have their terms successfully evaluated in elm-repl. (The error message you'll see is "ReferenceError: navigator is not defined".) So if you do import Wizardry and then enter Wizardry.view, you will get an error instead of what you want. However, if you do import Spells and then enter Spells.freeze, or something similar with import Monsters, it will work as normal because those modules do not depend on elm-html directly.

If you prefer to do most of your work inside a REPL, you can get a lot of mileage out of working around this by extracting your Model and Action logic into a separate module outside Wizardry.elm; those parts of the code base do not need to depend on elm-html like the view logic does.

Help! elm-reactor crashed!

Although elm-reactor is very cool, it is also very pre-1.0!

Hot-swapping code doesn't always happen (but refreshing the page will, as usual, ensure you have the latest), and from time to time you may also encounter this: reactor crash

Usually this can be resolved by going back to http://localhost:8000, clicking the wrench icon next to Wizardry.elm, and then returning to http://localhost:8000/index.html once more.

If this does not fix the issue, try stopping the reactor, deleting your elm-stuff directory, and re-running elm-package install. When you then run elm-reactor again, everything should be back to normal.

Finally, note that you are under no obligation to use elm-reactor; if you prefer, you can run elm-make Wizardry.elm each time you want to compile a fresh copy of elm.js, then simply open index.html in your browser to use it.