


Ctrl is a programmer-oriented wrapper for Stride's native input system. The goal is to make grabbing player inputs at runtime more standardized and configurable, and to allow easy rebinding of controls.


Using Ctrl

The most configurable way to utilize Ctrl is by implementing the PlayerActionSet class and having PlayerAction fields to be read from.

public class InputController : PlayerActionSet
    private readonly TwoAxisPlayerAction exampleAxis;
    public TwoPlayerAxisAction => ExampleAxis;

    private readonly PlayerAction exampleButton;
    public PlayerAction => ExampleButton;

    public InputController() : base()
        // Setup the axis action
        // Note: each PlayerAction must be assigned a unique name
        exampleAxis = CreateTwoAxisPlayerAction("Axis");
        exampleAxis.AddBinding(MouseAxis.X, MouseAxis.Y);

        // Setup the button action
        exampleAxis = CreatePlayerAction("Button");

These player actions can now be read for input values.

var controller = new InputController();

bool isPressed = controller.ExampleButton.IsPressed;
Vector2 axisInput = controller.ExampleAxis.Vector;

<sup><sub>Yes, the name is a pun.</sub></sup>