

RSD RISC-V Out-of-Order Superscalar Processor

RSD is a 32-bit RISC-V out-of-order superscalar processor core. RSD is very fast due to aggressive OoO features, while it is very compact and can be synthesized for small FPGAs. The key features of RSD are as follows:


Getting started

Simulation on Verilator/Modelsim/QuestaSim/Vitis

  1. Install the following software for running simulation.

    • GNU Make, Python3, and GCC (x86-64) 6 or later
    • GCC (RISC-V) 7 or later
    • Verilator or Modelsim/QuestaSim or Xilinx Vitis 2019.2

    Tested environment:

    • GNU Make 4.0
    • Python 3.4.2
    • GCC 6.5.0 (x86-64)
    • GCC 8.1.0 (RISC-V)
    • Verilator 4.026 2020-01-11 rev v4.026-2-g0c6c83e
    • QuestaSim 2019.4.2
    • Vitis 2019.2
  2. Refer to scripts in Processor/Tools/SetEnv.sh and set environment variables.

    • RSD_ROOT must be set for running simulation.
  3. Go to Processor/Src and make as follows.

    • For Modelsim/QuestaSim
      make            # compile
      make run        # run simulation
      make kanata     # run simulation & outputs a konata log file
    • For Verilator, add -f Makefile.verilator.mk like make -f Makefile.verilator.mk run
    • For Vivado, add -f Makefile.vivado.mk like make -f Makefile.vivado.mk run
  4. If the simulation ran successfully, you find "kanata.log" in Processor/Src.

    • Note that, the above sub-command is "kanata", not "konata".
  5. You can see the execution pipeline of your simulation above with Konata.

    • Konata is a pipeline visualizer and can be downloaded from here
    • An example is shown below.
    • konata

Run on a Xilinx Zynq board



Copyright 2019-2023 Ryota Shioya (shioya@ci.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp) and RSD contributors, see also CREDITS.md. This implementation is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. This implementation integrates third-party packages in accordance with the licenses presented in THIRD-PARTY-LICENSES.md.


Susumu Mashimo et al., "An Open Source FPGA-Optimized Out-of-Order RISC-V Soft Processor", IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT), 2019. A pre-print version is here.