<p align="center"><img width="192" src ="" /></p> <p align="center" style="font-size:25px"><b>ReScope
<p align="center">Flexible State management system based on flux architecture, stores data components & inheritable scopes </p> <p align="center"><a href=""> <img src="" alt="Build Status" /></a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Build Status" /></a> <img src="" /> </p>Related packages
React HOCs, decorators & tools : react-scopes<br> ReScope HOCs, decorators & tools : rescope-spells<br>
ReScope What ?
ReScope is a flexible, effective and easy to use state management system inspired by ReactJS methods.
What's the point ?
The set of data transformations of one or more applications can be divided into reusable data components with reactive state and result data. Just like React Components, for data. <br/> Of course, that's quickly said, in an application, the data must deal with complex dependencies, different contexts, custom data bindings, and so on. <br/>
This is where reScope comes in: <br/> RS provide a effective, flexible and familiar structure to organize and synchronize your data components. <br/> It manage theirs dependencies, theirs scopes, sequencing, persistence, active instances & much more.
This way all the data components :
- Only use 1 file for theirs initial state, actions & mutations
- Only care about theirs specialized task
- Can be easily & independently tested
- Can have different behaviors basing on theirs scope
How ?
By using independent, specialized & serializable "Data Stores" in a Flux oriented architecture.
Stores ?
ReScope stores look like "React components for data".<br> Basically, they render determined data according theirs entry state, theirs dependencies, and theirs action.<br>
Actions generate mutations of one or multiple stores,<br> So each Stores can manage part of, or the entire App state's determining values,<br> maintain intermediate, possibly asynchronous resources,<br> and/or finals or ready-to-render data.
Scopes ?
To deal with complex architectures like multi user or complex components systems, the Scopes allow :
- normalized scopes for modules & views
- to inherit & mix other Scopes,
- automatic & chained destroy
- ...
Samples & bootstraps here
Todo ?
- Many more tests
- RS use a similar states data processing structure than React Hooks & Contexts; Using React, well used hooks/memo are now better for most cases imo.
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