


A tool for flashing bitstreams to FPGA boards, when paired with an appropriate microcontroller firmware (seen here)


To build faff, you only need the core build tools for your platform, CMake, and libusb.

# Install dependencies
sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake libusb-dev
# Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:rschlaikjer/faff.git
# Build as a normal CMake project
mkdir faff/build
cd faff/build
cmake ../
make -j$(nproc)
# Optionally
sudo cp faff /usr/local/bin


faff: Find and Flash FPGA
Common usage: faff -f top,bin

General options:
    -h|--help              This help message
    -f|--file  <binary>    The file that should be written to the target
    -e|--enumerate         Print a list of connected device series that
                           match the specified VID:PID
    --lma <address>        The load memory address to use for the file.
                           Defaults to 0x0000
    --no-verify            Disable reading back the programmed file to
                           verify that programming was successful.
Target selection:
    --usb-vid <vid>        Set vendor ID of device to use
    --usb-pid <pid>        Set product ID of device to use
    --usb-serial <serial>  Select device with specific serial <serial>. If not
                           specified, will attempt to program the first device
                           found with a matching VID:PID