

Federated Learning via Decentralized Dataset Distillation in Resource-Constrained Edge Environments

paper supplement



FedD3 is a federated learning framework designed to train models using decentralized dataset distillation, requiring only a single communication round. This repository contains four main modules:



Install requirements

Run the following command to install the required packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Federated Dataset Preprocessing

This module divides the entire dataset into a specified number of clients based on federated settings. Non-IID datasets are created depending on the value of C_k (the number of classes in each local dataset) to introduce label distribution skew.

By calling the divide_data() function, one of the datasets used in this paper (i.e., MNIST, CIFAR-10, Fashion-MNIST, and SVHN) is automatically downloaded via PyTorch. This module is integrated into the main functions of FedD3 and baselines.

Running FedD3

Test Run

python fedd3_main.py -nc 500 \
                     -ck 10 \
                     -ds 'MNIST' \
                     -md 'LeNet' \
                     -is 0 \
                     -rr 'results' \
                     -sne 500 \
                     -sbs 50 \
                     -slr 0.001 \
                     -smt 0.9 \
                     -snw 1 \
                     -cis 'kip_distill'\
                     -cnd 10 \
                     -cil 0.004 \
                     -cib 10 \
                     -cie 3000 \
                     -cit 0.999

Explanations of Arguments



Running Federated Learning Baselines

Test Run

python baselines_main.py -nc 10 \
                         -ck 10 \
                         -ds 'MNIST' \
                         -md 'LeNet' \
                         -is 0 \
                         -rr 'results' \
                         -nr 500 \
                         -os 1\
                         -cis 'FedAvg' \
                         -cil 0.001 \
                         -cib 50 \
                         -cie 1 \
                         -sim 0.9 \
                         -sin 1

Explanations of Arguments



Evaluation Procedures

To plot the testing accuracy and training loss over epochs or communication rounds, run:

python postprocessing/eval_main.py -rr 'results'

Note that the labels in the figure correspond to the names of the result files.


 title={Federated learning via decentralized dataset distillation in resource-constrained edge environments},
 author={Song, Rui and Liu, Dai and Chen, Dave Zhenyu and Festag, Andreas and Trinitis, Carsten and Schulz, Martin and Knoll, Alois},
 journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.11311},


For the evaluation of baseline models, we utilized the PyTorch implementations found in the pytorch_federated_learning repository.