

Source and datasets for: "Non-cooperative 802.11 MAC layer fingerprinting and tracking of mobile devices"

This repository contains the source code and links to the datasets used in the paper entitled "Non-cooperative 802.11 MAC layer fingerprinting and tracking of mobile devices". Please cite the paper and / or datasets if you use them in your research.

Installing the dataset

The MongoDB dataset and usage instructions can be found at https://zenodo.org/record/545970.

An identical .pcap version of the dataset can be found at CRAWDAD.

Running experiments

After installing the dataset, you can run the experiments using the elt_byte_uniqueness.py script:

usage: elt_byte_uniqueness.py [-h] [--host HOST] [--debug] [--big-endian]
                              [--train-samples NUM_TRAIN_SAMPLES]
                              [--test-samples NUM_TEST_SAMPLES]
                              [--threshold THRESHOLD]
                              {mongodb,file,pcap} {mac_info,mac_research}

Advanced MAC layer fingerprinter for Probe Request frames

positional arguments:
                        The path to / name of the dataset containing Probe

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --host HOST           MongoDB host (default: localhost)
  --debug, -d           Debug mode (default: False)
  --big-endian          Big Endian Radiotap header (default: False)
  --train-samples NUM_TRAIN_SAMPLES
                        Number of training samples (default: 30000)
  --test-samples NUM_TEST_SAMPLES
                        Number of test samples (default: 50)
  --threshold THRESHOLD
                        Stability threshold (default: 0.3)


Using the default settings: training on 30000 and testing on 50 devices:

$ ./elt_byte_uniqueness.py --host <your_mongo_database> mongodb mac_info
Strict hash stability: 100.0%
Real hash stability: 100.0%
Real hash stability (non-random): 100.0%
Hash uniqueness: 78.0%
Hash uniqueness (non-random): 82.5%
Fingerprint uniqueness: 94.0%
Deanonymized MACs: 1 / 10.0 (10.0%)
Total MACs: 50.0

Other test set sizes:

$ ./elt_byte_uniqueness.py --host <your_mongo_database> --test-samples 1000 mongodb mac_info
Strict hash stability: 99.7%
Real hash stability: 99.85%
Real hash stability (non-random): 99.7716894977%
Hash uniqueness: 28.9%
Hash uniqueness (non-random): 39.1171993912%
Fingerprint uniqueness: 79.5%
Deanonymized MACs: 111 / 343.0 (32.361516035%)
Total MACs: 1000.0

$ ./elt_byte_uniqueness.py --host <your_mongo_database> --test-samples 10000 mongodb mac_info
Strict hash stability: 91.34%
Real hash stability: 95.9216190476%
Real hash stability (non-random): 94.5693699166%
Hash uniqueness: 10.66%
Hash uniqueness (non-random): 17.2218284904%
Fingerprint uniqueness: 97.07%
Deanonymized MACs: 4006 / 4356.0 (91.9651056015%)
Total MACs: 10000.0

Using the mac_research dataset:

$ ./elt_byte_uniqueness.py --host <your_mongo_database> --test-samples 100 --train-samples 100 --threshold 1.0 mongodb mac_research
Using research center data
Strict hash stability: 93.3333333333%
Real hash stability: 98.5609279609%
Real hash stability (non-random): 98.3395322626%
Hash uniqueness: 50.6666666667%
Hash uniqueness (non-random): 55.3846153846%
Fingerprint uniqueness: 100.0%
Deanonymized MACs: 10 / 10.0 (100.0%)
Total MACs: 75.0

Explanation of metrics

After running elt_byte_uniqueness.py, several metrics are displayed to the user, which have the following meaning:

Here, the term "hash" refers to the hash of the bitmask applied to the Information Elements of the Probe Request, and the term "fingerprint" refers to the associated fingerprint (which can include the non-random MAC address as well if available).

Paper experiments

The exact parameters used in the paper can be found in the compare_runs_lambda_small and compare_runs_lambda functions of the source code. These functions generate the GNUplot output for the graphs. Note that results might slightly vary due to the anonymization process that was performed on the dataset (e.g. stable bits in the WPS IE for some devices).