


Fake wireless Access Point (AP) implementation using Python and Scapy, intended for convenient testing of 802.11 protocols and implementations. This library is a work in progress, and currently only supports open 802.11 networks.


Testing 802.11 protocols and implementations for bugs or security vulnerabilities requires a simple and flexible AP implementation. This library aims to provide these features by using the popular packet manipulation program 'Scapy' for data transmission and reception.


You will need to have the following packages installed:

Then, run python2 setup.py install to install scapy-fakeap.


First, set up your device in monitor mode. You can use airmon-ng or iw:

# iw dev wlan0 interface add mon0 type monitor
# ifconfig mon0 up

From there, setting up a basic AP with scapy-fakeap is extremely simple, as shown in the example below:

# This example is a simple 'hello world' for scapy-fakeap.
# An open network will be created that can be joined by 802.11 enabled devices.

from fakeap import *

ap = FakeAccessPoint('mon0', 'Hello scapy-fakeap world!')

For more examples, please see the 'examples' folder.


The behaviour of the AP can be completely customized by changing the callbacks associated with a certain event. To do this, pass a custom Callbacks() object to the FakeAccessPoint constructor or to an instance during runtime. Currently, the following callbacks are provided:

Writing your own callback:

The following example shows how a custom callback for a Callbacks() instance can be easily created:

# This example demonstrates how to create a new callback for a specific Callbacks() instance.
# The callback will trigger each time an EAPOL packet is sniffed.

from types import MethodType
from scapy.layers.dot11 import EAPOL
from fakeap import *

def do_something(self):  # Our custom callback
    print("Got EAPOL packet!")

def my_recv_pkt(self, packet):  # We override recv_pkt to include a trigger for our callback
    if EAPOL in packet:

ap = FakeAccessPoint('mon0', 'My first callback!')
ap.wpa = AP_WLAN_TYPE_WPA2  # Enable WPA2
ap.ieee8021x = 1  # Enable 802.1X (WPA-Enterprise)
my_callbacks = Callbacks(ap)
my_callbacks.cb_recv_pkt = MethodType(my_recv_pkt, my_callbacks)
my_callbacks.cb_do_something = MethodType(do_something, my_callbacks)
ap.callbacks = my_callbacks


Service interaction

Upon instantiation of a FakeAccessPoint object, scapy-fakeap automatically creates the fakeap virtual interface, which may be used for interacting with other services. For example, you can set it as the listen interface for dnsmasq to use a DHCP server for your fake AP.