

Ember Tools

NOTICE: ember-tools is not currently maintained. If you want to maintain the project, contact @fivetanley or @rpflorence, if there is any interest. If you're starting a new project, using Ember CLI is recommended instead.

Build Status



npm install -g ember-tools

Don't have node or npm? Visit http://nodejs.org.


Version Information

Current Version: 0.2.7

Package versions:


npm install -g ember-tools
ember create my-app
cd my-app
ember generate --scaffold person name:string age:number
ember build
open index.html # Mac OS
xdg-open index.html # Linux
start index.html # Windows
# visit #/people

The first place to get started is configuring a route in config/routes.js and then adding a template for the route.


You can always run ember --help or ember [command] --help to get usage information.

  Usage: ember [command] [options]

  Command-Specific Help

    ember [command] --help


    create [options]       creates a new ember application at [dir]
    build [options]        compiles templates and builds the app
    generate [options]     generates application files
    precompile [options]   precompile templates from src dir to target dir
    update [version]       Update ember.js from ember's s3 build service to [version].
             Versions are latest(built from master, bleeding edge) and stable.
             Default version is stable.

    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number


Creating Stand-Alone Browser Apps

If you are creating a stand-alone browser application (no server, or communication is through some api service) then use:

ember create my-app

Or if you already have the my-app directory, cd into it and call ember create bare:

ember create

There is nothing magical about the index.html file. Feel free to replace it with your own (you probably should). Just make sure you include a script tag pointing to js/application.js

Creating Browser Apps as Part of Express or Rails (etc.)

If you are creating an ember app as part of a server-side framework like express or ruby on rails use the --js-path option.

cd my-server-app
ember create --js-path public/javascripts

Running ember build will create a file at public/javascripts/application.js. Require that in your server-app's template, no other files are required.

Building Your App

The build command pre-compiles all the templates to simple functions, assigns all your modules to the App object based on their file names, and then creates a single, concatenated file to be included in your app.

ember build

This build step makes adding new modules to your app as simple as creating a file with the generate command. It will convert the file path to an object, ie: controllers/recipe -> App.RecipeController, routes/recipes/index -> App.RecipesIndexRoute.

To build when files in your app change, use the --watch option:

ember build -w

If you want to inspect the objects being assigned to the App object you can build without cleanup using the --no-cleanup, -c option and then opening up the index.js file it creates:

ember build -c

You can also specify the path of the resulting application file to save it somewhere other than the default path.

ember build --out-file public/whatever.js

Of course, you can combine any of these options:

ember build -wc --out-file public/whatever.js


I am not super proud of the scaffolding, but it gets your feet wet with ember really quickly, so use it for fun, not profit :P

ember generate --scaffold time_sheet description:string minutes:number


Ember tools provides generators for the different ember objects your app will use. Basic usage is:

ember generate [options] [name]

So creating a recipe route would look like:

ember generate --route recipe

Or the shorter version:

ember generate -r recipe

If you have a route, you probably want a template too; you can combine generator options:

ember generate -rt recipe

Below is a list of all generator commands the the files and objects they create.

Generator Examples

optionsobject namefile
--model, -m burritoBurritomodels/burrito.js
--view, -v burritoBurritoViewviews/burrito_view.js
--controller, -c post/commentsPostCommentsControllercontrollers/post/comments_controller.js
--template, -t post/commentsn/atemplates/post/comments.handlebars
--route, -r taco_cartTacoCartRouteroutes/taco_cart_route.js
--mixin, -x tacoableTacoablemixins/tacoable.js
--helper, -l all_capsallCapshelpers/all_caps.js
--component, -p my-widgetMyWidgetComponentcomponents/my_widget_component.js <br>templates/components/my-widget.hbs
-mvcrt tacosTaco <br>TacosView <br>TacosController <br>TacosRoutemodels/taco.js <br>views/tacos_view <br>controllers/tacos_controller.js <br>routes/taco_route.js <br>templates/tacos.handlebars


Precompiling Handlebars Templates for Ember

The build command already pre-compiles your templates, but you can use the precompile command outside of the rest of ember-tools. To precompile a bunch of templates found at views/jst to assets/javascripts/templates.js run this command:

ember precompile -d views/jst -f assets/javascripts/templates.js

This will register each template on Ember.TEMPLATES with file paths for keys.

Upgrading from 0.1.x to 0.2.x

  1. Rename .ember to ember.json
  2. Edit ember.json to point to the right jsPath, should look something like:
      "jsPath": "js",
      "modules": "cjs"
  3. Move routes.js, app.js, and store.js to config/<filename>.js
  4. Add dependencies to config/app.js, it should look something like this:
    var App = Ember.Application.create();
    App.Store = require('./store');
    module.exports = App;

That should do it.

License and Copyright

MIT Style License

Copyright © 2013 Ryan Florence


Run tests with:

npm test

and the browser sanity tests:

npm run-script browser

Its usually easiest to create a branch and send a pull request against that branch instead of master. Single commits are preferred (no big deal though, I can squash and cherry-pick).

Thanks for using ember-tools!