

Raspberry Pi Internet Chronometer

Chronometer Display

Turn your RaspberryPi in to an Internet Chronometer .

Display is a UCTRONICS 3.5 Inch HDMI display.


Description / Abbreviations


Installation for Raspberry Pi

  1. Download and install via pip:

     pip install git+https://github.com/rothman857/chronometer.git
  2. Running for the first time will generate a .chrono_config file with default values:

    python -m chronometer
  3. Update .chrono_config with relavent values.

  4. Update time zones as desired. Timezones must be in pytz format. To see a list of available options, run the following:

    python -m chronometer.timezones <optional country name>

    For example, to find a timezone value for Japan, run python -m chronometer.timezones japan. The ouptut will look like:

    Country: Japan
        Asia/Tokyo: +0900

    The correct value to use for .chrono_config is Japan = Asia/Tokyo

  5. Start the chronometer:

    python -m chronometer
  6. If you wish to have the chronometer start at boot, add the above command to your .bashrc