

mpv-install.bat <img src="https://rossy.github.io/mpv-install/mpv-document.png" align="right">

This script sets up file associations for mpv on Windows.

How to install

  1. Make sure you have the latest build of mpv. Official builds are here: https://mpv.srsfckn.biz/
  2. Download the zip: https://github.com/rossy/mpv-install/archive/master.zip <br> Note: Make sure you use the above link. Don't use GitHub's "Raw" links on the files themselves, since these have incorrect line-endings, which cause the script to crash. (See #7.)
  3. Copy the .bat files and the .ico to the same directory as mpv.exe
  4. Run mpv-install.bat as administrator. Note: For an unattended install, use the /u switch.
  5. Use the Default Programs and AutoPlay control panels to make mpv the default player

What it does

What it doesn't do

How to uninstall

To remove all traces of this script from your computer, run mpv-uninstall.bat as administrator.

Note: This is not necessary if you want to reinstall mpv later (in a different folder, for example,) only if you want to remove it completely. To reinstall, just run mpv-install.bat again.


Should work on Windows Vista and up, tested with Windows Vista, 7, 8.1 and 10. These scripts were written for personal use and released with the hope that they would be useful, but without any warranty.