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My 🎅 Advent of Code solutions. Includes a runner and benchmarker with free Christmas trees 🎄.

<img width="600" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109887/206856121-6a5078e3-5ebf-4973-b530-3639b30a2efa.png">

Getting started

The following commands use a Cargo alias cargo advent defined in .cargo/config.toml to run the solutions. This tool will automatically fetch the input for the puzzle and cache it locally when the solution is run for the first time. This requires the ADVENT_SESSION environment variable to be set. You can find this under the cookie name "session" in your logged in Advent of Code browser session. This tool follows the automation guidelines on the /r/adventofcode wiki.

export ADVENT_SESSION="533..."

Solutions can be run using the run command. Just pass in the year and day. For example, the following will run the solution for 2020 day 18.

cargo advent -y 2020 -d 18 run

Tests can be run using the test subcommand.

cargo advent -y 2020 -d 18 test

Benchmarks can be run using the bench subcommand.

cargo advent -y 2020 -d 18 bench

Extra arguments can be passed to both Cargo and the binary. Arguments after the first -- argument will be passed to Cargo and arguments after the second -- will be passed to the actual binary. For example if we wanted the JSON output of the benchmark we could run the following.

cargo advent -y 2020 -d 18 bench -- --features=json -- --output json

All of the above will be built using --release.

New solutions

Use the following to add a template for a new solution.

cargo advent -y 2022 -d 1 new

Open the browser for the given problem

cargo advent -y 2020 -d 7 open

Using the runner/benchmarker

You can use the provided runner and benchmarker for your own solutions. To get started simply add the crate to the Cargo manifest for your solution.

advent = { git = "https://github.com/rossmacarthur/advent" }

Then use the following as your main function.

fn main() {
    let solution = advent::new(parse_input).part(part1).part(part2).build();


Finally, cli() will instantiate a command line interface and run the program. Ordinary runs will run each part once and output the answers. Passing --bench to the program will perform a benchmark.

That's all! You're free to structure your program however else you want. See template.rs for the template I use or any of the solutions in this crate for an example.

Run and benchmark output:

<img width="382" alt="screenshot of run output" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109887/206855331-d5f2ee15-0245-40c8-a673-be4f89a225c4.png">

<img width="380" alt="screenshot of bench output" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17109887/206855396-26d868b1-a9e9-414d-b655-9b979e091b4e.png">


There are also some optional features which pull in some other crates.

They can be enabled in your Cargo manifest like this:

advent = { git = "https://github.com/rossmacarthur/advent", features = ["festive", "json"] }


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